
Since September 12th, 2020, I started keeping mood logs. The entries are spread across various files for quick accessibility. Here is an example from my phone log:

 * log
:CREATED:  [2020-11-29 Sun 02:05]
:ID:       030e99b6-5e1d-4d69-b3ab-7f3e333aa185

I like this book. #mood(0) +reading 

I started tracking mood to better understand connections of various events with my internal states. The hope is to manage a few of those internal states better. I have been doing a lot more than mood tracking but I find this to be the simplest habit to build and a good way to move towards fancier interventions. Whenever I feel something is happening, I make a note of the event along with a mood tag that lies in {-2, -1, 0, +1, +2}. 0 means neutral . +1 maps to being happy. +2 is a state where I can't be happier, these are special moments that I keep in my memory. On the negative side, -1 maps to states that I can recover from after taking some time. -2 maps to terrible meltdowns, either based on externalities or internal aberrations.

Since my way of tracking mood is event based, I have days where there are no entries, and days where there are many entries. Aggregation becomes a problem but I believe a small multiple based on min, mean, and max works. Below is one such view:

Figure 1: Min, mean and max statistics of mood scores. Mean values are rounded to integers. Click to zoom.

After tracking for a month or so, I went to a feeling wheel and tried getting more granular view. Here is the tree mapped to mood score colors from the plot without coloring the neutral items:

  1. Fearful 》 Scared 》 Helpless
  2. Fearful 》 Scared 》 Frightened
  3. Fearful 》 Anxious 》 Overwhelmed
  4. Fearful 》 Anxious 》 Worried
  5. Fearful 》 Insecure 》 Inadequate
  6. Fearful 》 Insecure 》 Inferior
  7. Fearful 》 Weak 》 Worthless
  8. Fearful 》 Weak 》 Insignificant
  9. Fearful 》 Rejected 》 Excluded
  10. Fearful 》 Rejected 》 Persecuted
  11. Fearful 》 Threatened 》 Nervous
  12. Fearful 》 Threatened 》 Exposed
  13. Angry 》 Let down 》 Betrayed
  14. Angry 》 Let down 》 Resentful
  15. Angry 》 Humiliated 》 Disrespected
  16. Angry 》 Humiliated 》 Ridiculed
  17. Angry 》 Bitter 》 Indignant
  18. Angry 》 Bitter 》 Violated
  19. Angry 》 Mad 》 Furious
  20. Angry 》 Mad 》 Jealous
  21. Angry 》 Aggressive 》 Provoked
  22. Angry 》 Aggressive 》 Hostile
  23. Angry 》 Frustrated 》 Infuriated
  24. Angry 》 Frustrated 》 Annoyed
  25. Angry 》 Distant 》 Withdrawn
  26. Angry 》 Distant 》 Numb
  27. Angry 》 Critical 》 Skeptical
  28. Angry 》 Critical 》 Dismissive
  29. Disgusted 》 Disapproving 》 Judgmental
  30. Disgusted 》 Disapproving 》 Embarrassed
  31. Disgusted 》 Disappointed 》 Appalled
  32. Disgusted 》 Disappointed 》 Revolted
  33. Disgusted 》 Awful 》 Nauseated
  34. Disgusted 》 Awful 》 Detestable
  35. Disgusted 》 Repelled 》 Horrified
  36. Disgusted 》 Repelled 》 Hesitant
  37. Sad 》 Hurt 》 Embarrassed
  38. Sad 》 Hurt 》 Disappointed
  39. Sad 》 Depressed 》 Inferior
  40. Sad 》 Depressed 》 Empty
  41. Sad 》 Guilty 》 Remorseful
  42. Sad 》 Guilty 》 Ashamed
  43. Sad 》 Despair 》 Grief
  44. Sad 》 Despair 》 Powerless
  45. Sad 》 Vulnerable 》 Victimized
  46. Sad 》 Vulnerable 》 Fragile
  47. Sad 》 Lonely 》 Isolated
  48. Sad 》 Lonely 》 Abandoned
  49. Happy 》 Optimistic 》 Inspired
  50. Happy 》 Optimistic 》 Hopeful
  51. Happy 》 Trusting 》 Intimate
  52. Happy 》 Trusting 》 Sensitive
  53. Happy 》 Peaceful 》 Thankful
  54. Happy 》 Peaceful 》 Loving
  55. Happy 》 Powerful 》 Creative
  56. Happy 》 Powerful 》 Courageous
  57. Happy 》 Accepted 》 Valued
  58. Happy 》 Accepted 》 Respected
  59. Happy 》 Proud 》 Confident
  60. Happy 》 Proud 》 Successful
  61. Happy 》 Interested 》 Inquisitive
  62. Happy 》 Interested 》 Curious
  63. Happy 》 Content 》 Joyful
  64. Happy 》 Content 》 Free
  65. Happy 》 Playful 》 Aroused
  66. Happy 》 Playful 》 Cheeky
  67. Surprised 》 Excited 》 Energetic
  68. Surprised 》 Excited 》 Eager
  69. Surprised 》 Amazed 》 Awe
  70. Surprised 》 Amazed 》 Astonished
  71. Surprised 》 Confused 》 Perplexed
  72. Surprised 》 Confused 》 Disillusioned
  73. Surprised 》 Startled 》 Dismayed
  74. Surprised 》 Startled 》 Shocked
  75. Bad 》 Tired 》 Unfocused
  76. Bad 》 Tired 》 Sleepy
  77. Bad 》 Stressed 》 Out of control
  78. Bad 》 Stressed 》 Overwhelmed
  79. Bad 》 Busy 》 Rushed
  80. Bad 》 Busy 》 Pressured
  81. Bad 》 Bored 》 Apathetic
  82. Bad 》 Bored 》 Indifferent

A few observations:

I feel mood tracking has not been helping me in a direct way but it definitely is impacting things indirectly. If you want a hackable solution for yourself, start with nomie. Its data format is simple to parse and allows building custom workflows and tools very easily.