personal privacy 100daystooffload

Like many people around me, I was using Truecaller more or less without thinking why. Recently while reviewing my tool use, I realized that Truecaller is something that shouldn't be in my devices at all.

Firstly, Truecaller is an obvious privacy nightmare. I don't know their ethical viewpoints and haven't audited their policies but their business model is problematic for users, by design. Additionally, it has poor user interface with an inconsistent design language that doesn't fit in Android well. I was also paying for a few extra features which I found to be meaningless, most notably the assistant which could be useful only if it can actually contain a conversation without involving me.

All these led me to uninstall the app, which then blessed me with an unplanned realization: I don't need a caller ID tool at all. I have a small, at least right now, list of numbers saved in my phone. Anything beyond that list is handled much better without caller ID than with. Not knowing the caller's name makes it easy for me to pick and close a tiny conversation which I might have postponed, adding to my mental stress backlog. In case I miss a call, the same feature of not knowing who I missed keeps my guilt level zero since I missed a number without any known associations. In case of emergencies, people usually dial multiple times anyway and that's good enough sign for me to callback urgently, whenever I am around my phone.

At the moment I am using the phone app from the Fossify suite which lets me do the basics along with simple number blocking. I would want a few more minor features but even without them this feels like a huge life upgrade. In case you also use Truecaller, try living without it for a while and let me know.