2 Readings/Explorations
- From morning paper
- Darwinian data structure selection | the morning paper. No github the last time I checked.
- GraphIt: A high-performance graph DSL | the morning paper (kind of skimmed, don't have anything to look for in the depth right now)
- A hammer you can only hold by the handle - Systems Group Blog. I want to start using rust at places now.
- Emacs 26 Brings Generators and Threads
- NLP word representations and the Wittgenstein philosophy of language
- Robustness and evolvability (masel2010robustness)
- State of Text Rendering. Got here from the recent discussion of moving to harfbuzz in Emacs.
- The Role of Theory in Data Analysis ยท Simply Statistics
3 Programming
- Initially thought to use APL for AoC but haven't spent sufficient time so am picking up random problems and using Haskell (hoping to use more of it).
- Started using Clojure and C++ at a few places so am toying around with the current ecosystem for a while.
5 Media
- [masel2010robustness] Masel & Trotter. 2010. "Robustness and evolvability." Trends in Genetics, 26(9), 406-414. link. doi.