1 Experiments
- Spent some time documenting and formalizing few of the ideas related to strange loop and program modeling that will go in the wiki.
2 Readings/Explorations
- Developing production-level conversational interfaces with shallow semantic parsing (raghuvanshi2018developing)
- The causes of evolvability and their evolution (payne2018causes)
- A recent discussion regarding first Class Macros led me to fexpressions and the Kernel language. Will be exploring further in coming weeks.
- The Futhark Module System. Now I see the point of ML's modules. I had read about those in The Little MLer but didn't really see what they were trying to solve.
- Feynman on Fermat's Last Theorem – Luis Batalha
- Giving programmers what they want, or what they ask for
- Why languages and dialects really are different animals. The ASJP Database looks interesting.
3 Programming
- Updated a few github packages.
4 Media
- Finished Cultural Logic of Computation
- Lost innocence: the children whose parents joined an ashram
- How 20th-century synthetics altered the very fabric of us all
- Atheists vs religious belief, with Wittgenstein on the stand
- [raghuvanshi2018developing] Raghuvanshi, Carroll & Raghunathan. 2018. "Developing Production-Level Conversational Interfaces with Shallow Semantic Parsing", 157-162, in in: Proceedings of the 2018 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing: System Demonstrations, edited by
- [payne2018causes] Payne & Wagner. 2018. "The causes of evolvability and their evolution." Nature Reviews Genetics, , 1. link. doi.