1 Experiments
2 Readings/Explorations
- Learning by analogy: formulating and generalizing plans from past experience (carbonell1983learning)
- Bayesian learning via stochastic gradient langevin dynamics (welling2011bayesian)
- Eco-evolutionary dynamics of sexual selection
- Deconstructing Code with Exceptional Texts. Hmm… I need to read The Story of Art sooner.
- Finished Clojure cookbook.
- Started using ledger properly this time.
- Algebraic effects from Eff.
3 Programming
4 Media
- SYSK Selects: What's the Deal with Crop Circles? This reminds me of a book I had with all these unsolved mysteries. I found that pretty interesting when I was younger. Don't really understand why I don't think any of them had any truth, even without being explicitly told about the farce in each.
- How Disney took to subverting its own romantic ideals
- Enlightenment does not demand disenchantment with the world
- The Strange Persistence of First Languages
- Richard Feynman was wrong about beauty and truth in science