A bunch of missed reviews. Putting only last week stuff for now.
1 Experiments
- Wasn't able to make any progress on dialog veneering work. Mostly not moving my legs to tag data.
- Spent some time modeling the play logs from my music player to setup a thumbs up-down type recommendation system.
2 Readings/Explorations
- Finished The Mythical Man-Month.
- A really nice and popular guidebook on ML that I was unaware of.
- Reflections on trusting trust (thompson1984reflections)
- Practical advice for analysis of large, complex data sets. I didn't quite get hooked into many things here. Mostly tells that I am not working with large data sets. Or, more likely, I am not looking at things in the right way.
- I have been exploring a few project management tools. Things like taskjuggler look impressive and worth spending some time on. Starting with basic effort and time estimation in org mode itself (try rksm/clj-org-analyzer) though.
3 Programming
4 Media
- Why do we allow objects to become tainted by chance links?
- Earth on Nautilus: The Strange Blissfulness of Storms. Feel pretty biased even after considering that results are not clear. Probably adding confounding factors in the last paragraph would have helped. Also basic arguments like why do I feel similar when I imagine a storm? should be cared for before putting one liners.
- Finished The Kindly Ones (The Sandman, #9) by Neil Gaiman. This one was really nice. I now like the series much more than earlier when, while coming from Watchmen, I was looking for something to impress me very early on.
- I have started trying out curio (probably the trial is up by now though) and it looks really nice. Being shorter than podcasts and more user driven helps. Found a few new sources here. Specially The Idler. Here are a few shorts that I liked:
- [thompson1984reflections] Thompson & others. 1984. "Reflections on trusting trust." Commun. ACM, 27(8), 761-763. link. doi.