Books to read. This is a rather large list with items from my old Goodreads account. Most likely I will not be reading all of these because this list grows faster than I read.
Sorting is based on date added (recent first) but might be off since I am trying to categorize things in sections.
1. Non Fiction
Some non fiction. Most of the books are still in uncategorized section.
1.1. Mathematics/Logic
Books with more mathematical and logical inclinations. Some theoretical computer science books might also go in here.
1.1.1. READ Fermat's Last Theorem
AUTHOR: Simon Singh ADDED: [2024-11-20] URL:
1.1.2. The Shape of Space
AUTHOR: Jeffrey R. Weeks ADDED: [2019-12-13] AMAZON:
1.1.3. The Book of Why: The New Science of Cause and Effect
AUTHOR: Judea Pearl, Dana Mackenzie ADDED: <2018-07-18> AMAZON:
1.1.4. READ Book of Proof
AUTHOR: Richard Hammack ADDED: <2018-06-08 Fri> URL:
There are some nice things in here, but, for the most part, this is pretty elementary. Probably a less elementary book covering similar topic is How to Prove It: A Structured Approach by Daniel J. Velleman.
1.1.5. The Joy of x: A Guided Tour of Math, from One to Infinity
AUTHOR: Steven H. Strogatz ADDED: <2018-05-06> GOODREADS:
1.1.6. How to Solve It: A New Aspect of Mathematical Method
AUTHOR: George Pólya ADDED: <2018-05-06> GOODREADS:
1.1.7. Algebra: Chapter 0 (Graduate Studies in Mathematics)
AUTHOR: Paolo Aluffi ADDED: <2018-05-06> AMAZON:
1.1.9. The Nature of Computation
AUTHOR: Cristopher Moore, Stephan Mertens ADDED: <2018-02-08> GOODREADS:
1.1.10. Logic for Computer Scientists (Modern Birkhäuser Classics)
AUTHOR: ADDED: <2017-08-31> AMAZON:
1.1.11. Computation: Finite and Infinite Machines (Automatic Computation)
AUTHOR: Marvin Minsky ADDED: <2017-06-09> GOODREADS:
1.1.12. The Princeton Companion to Mathematics
AUTHOR: Timothy Gowers, June Barrow-Green, Imre Leader ADDED: <2018-01-08> GOODREADS:
1.1.13. Concrete Mathematics: A Foundation for Computer Science
AUTHOR: Ronald L. Graham, Donald Ervin Knuth, Oren Patashnik ADDED: <2018-01-08> GOODREADS:
1.1.14. The Mathematical Mechanic: Using Physical Reasoning to Solve Problems
AUTHOR: Mark Levi ADDED: <2017-06-28> GOODREADS:
1.1.15. Solving Mathematical Problems: A Personal Perspective
AUTHOR: Terence Tao ADDED: <2017-06-02> GOODREADS:
1.1.16. Surreal Numbers
AUTHOR: Donald Ervin Knuth ADDED: <2016-07-25> GOODREADS:
1.1.17. The Mathematics of Love: Patterns, Proofs, and the Search for the Ultimate Equation
AUTHOR: Hannah Fry ADDED: <2015-11-04> GOODREADS:
1.1.18. Incompleteness: The Proof and Paradox of Kurt Gödel (Great Discoveries)
AUTHOR: Rebecca Goldstein ADDED: <2015-03-13> GOODREADS:
1.2. Evolution/Emergence/Order
This is a slightly fuzzy section. What I have put here are books that try to or assist in understanding why and how are there certain order and pattern in nature. I am not sure which exact fields to look at for answers to questions about natural order and its emergence, therefore this section might stay a hodgepodge for a while.
1.2.1. READ How Life Works
AUTHOR: Philip Ball ADDED: [2024-12-30] URL:
A really engaging book on the complexities of biological life. I wasn't really planning to read it but started nevertheless and didn't look back.
This also helped me to understand the general open problems in developmental biology and how the larger pattern of 'causal emergence' play an important role as in other systems of my interest.
I found myself specially interest in morphological development and wonder why works like On Growth and Form weren't mentioned here. In any case, I am very interested to continue reading Form, probably in the next year.
1.2.2. The Major Transitions in Evolution
AUTHOR: John Maynard Smith ADDED: [2021-02-19] AMAZON:
1.2.3. Growth: From Microorganisms to Megacities
AUTHOR: Vaclav Smil ADDED: [2019-09-22] GOODREADS:
1.2.4. Good Enough: The Tolerance for Mediocrity in Nature and Society
AUTHOR: Daniel S. Milo ADDED: [2019-07-31] AMAZON:
1.2.5. A Crude Look at the Whole: The Science of Complex Systems in Business, Life, and Society
AUTHOR: John H. Miller ADDED: [2018-11-03] GOODREADS:
1.2.6. The Tangled Tree: A Radical New History of Life
AUTHOR: David Quammen ADDED: [2018-10-06] AMAZON:
1.2.7. Evolutionary Game Theory (The MIT Press)
AUTHOR: Jorgen W. Weibull ADDED: <2018-08-11> AMAZON:
1.2.8. Evolution and the Theory of Games
AUTHOR: John Maynard Smith ADDED: <2018-08-04> GOODREADS:
1.2.9. Essential Readings in Evolutionary Biology
AUTHOR: Francisco J. Ayala, John C. Avise ADDED: <2018-07-18> AMAZON:
1.2.10. Robustness and Evolvability in Living Systems
AUTHOR: Andreas Wagner ADDED: <2018-02-08> GOODREADS:
1.2.11. Principles of Evolution: From the Planck Epoch to Complex Multicellular Life
AUTHOR: Hildegard Meyer-Ortmanns, Stefan Thurner ADDED: <2018-02-08> GOODREADS:
1.2.12. Adaptation in Natural and Artificial Systems: An Introductory Analysis with Applications to Biology, Control, and Artificial Intelligence
AUTHOR: ADDED: <2017-12-16> AMAZON:
1.2.13. READ Probably Approximately Correct: Nature's Algorithms for Learning and Prospering in a Complex World
AUTHOR: ADDED: <2017-10-18> AMAZON:
This is about viewing evolution as computing a PAC learnable solution (specifically a subset, the evolvable class of functions).
An important general point throughout the book is about the separation between theoryless and theoryful problems. In case of theoryless, the solver tries to cope under some specific data distribution using a computational and statistical efficient (in the regular polynomial complexity term) algorithm. This formalism shapes the focus of the book which is more about the practical tractability of nature's algorithms rather than the algorithms themselves.
1.2.14. The Evolution of Beauty: How Darwin's Forgotten Theory of Mate Choice Shapes the Animal World - and Us
AUTHOR: ADDED: <2017-09-20> AMAZON:
1.2.15. Evolution and the Levels of Selection
AUTHOR: ADDED: <2017-08-23> AMAZON:
1.2.16. The Evolution of Cooperation: Revised Edition
AUTHOR: Robert Axelrod ADDED: <2017-07-28> AMAZON:
1.2.17. On Growth and Form
AUTHOR: D'Arcy Wentworth Thompson, John Tyler Bonner ADDED: <2017-03-13> GOODREADS:
1.2.18. Emergence: From Chaos To Order
AUTHOR: John H. Holland ADDED: <2017-03-11> GOODREADS:
1.2.19. Emergence: The Connected Lives of Ants, Brains, Cities, and Software
AUTHOR: Steven Johnson ADDED: <2017-03-11> GOODREADS:
1.2.20. Harnessing Complexity
AUTHOR: Robert Axelrod, Michael D. Cohen ADDED: <2017-03-11> GOODREADS:
1.2.22. READ An Introduction to Genetic Algorithms
AUTHOR: Melanie Mitchell ADDED: <2017-03-11> GOODREADS:
1.2.24. The Descent of Man
AUTHOR: Charles Darwin ADDED: <2017-02-18> GOODREADS:
1.2.25. Evolution: The Modern Synthesis: The Definitive Edition
AUTHOR: Julian Huxley, Massimo Pigliucci, Gerd B. Müller ADDED: <2017-02-18> GOODREADS:
1.2.26. Evolution—The Extended Synthesis
AUTHOR: Massimo Pigliucci, Gerd B. Müller ADDED: <2017-02-18> GOODREADS:
1.2.27. Evolution: Making Sense of Life
AUTHOR: Carl Zimmer, Douglas J. Emlen ADDED: <2017-02-06> GOODREADS:
1.2.28. The Origin of Species
AUTHOR: Charles Darwin ADDED: <2017-01-28> GOODREADS:
1.2.29. Cellular Automata And Complexity: Collected Papers
AUTHOR: Stephen Wolfram ADDED: <2017-01-03> GOODREADS:
1.2.30. Critical Mass: How One Thing Leads to Another
AUTHOR: Philip Ball ADDED: <2016-11-19> GOODREADS:
1.2.31. The Self Made Tapestry: Pattern Formation in Nature
AUTHOR: Philip Ball ADDED: <2016-11-19> GOODREADS:
1.2.32. Shapes: Nature's Patterns: A Tapestry in Three Parts
AUTHOR: Philip Ball ADDED: <2016-11-19> GOODREADS:
1.2.33. Patterns in Nature: Why the Natural World Looks the Way It Does
AUTHOR: Philip Ball ADDED: <2016-11-19> GOODREADS:
1.2.34. READ The Wisdom of Crowds
AUTHOR: James Surowiecki ADDED: <2016-09-15> GOODREADS:
This is a great book. It's of perfect length for the matter and the way it presents them.
At places, it felt like doing a little bit of exaggeration by criticizing the classical wisdom too much. Many of the times an approach which has less explanation and theory behind it is frowned upon. Many of the group-behavior based solutions fall in this category. They might work well, but their lack of popularity is not entirely surprising and irrational.
Also, the last chapter on democracy worries me a little. The point of the chapter is that democracy is better than other forms because it uses the crowd's wisdom. While presenting good arguments, this chapter tries to convince you of something vague. Not that the conclusion is wrong—that group wisdom can be used much more effectively in a democracy—but the examples leave places to fill in before you get completely satisfied.
Overall, I like how the book classifies the type of problems faced by a crowd and the conditions they need to make wise decisions there. These are some really good cues for analyzing and understanding a bunch of social scenarios.
1.2.35. The Algorithmic Beauty of Seaweeds, Sponges and Corals
AUTHOR: Jaap A. Kaandorp ADDED: <2016-09-12> GOODREADS:
1.2.36. The Algorithmic Beauty Of Sea Shells
AUTHOR: Hans Meinhardt ADDED: <2016-09-12> GOODREADS:
1.2.37. The Algorithmic Beauty of Plants
AUTHOR: Przemysław Prusinkiewicz ADDED: <2016-09-12> GOODREADS:
1.2.38. Six Degrees: The Science of a Connected Age
AUTHOR: Duncan J. Watts ADDED: <2016-03-01> GOODREADS:
1.2.39. Small Worlds: The Dynamics of Networks Between Order and Randomness
AUTHOR: Duncan J. Watts ADDED: <2015-12-28> GOODREADS:
1.2.40. READ Simply Complexity
AUTHOR: Neil Johnson ADDED: <2015-12-20> GOODREADS:
1.2.41. Think Complexity: Complexity Science and Computational Modeling
AUTHOR: Allen B. Downey ADDED: <2015-12-12> GOODREADS:
1.2.42. Artificial Life: A Report from the Frontier Where Computers Meet Biology
AUTHOR: Steven Levy ADDED: <2015-12-12> GOODREADS:
1.2.43. READ Sync: How Order Emerges From Chaos In the Universe, Nature, and Daily Life
AUTHOR: Steven H. Strogatz ADDED: <2015-12-05> GOODREADS:
1.2.44. Complexity: Life at the Edge of Chaos
AUTHOR: Roger Lewin ADDED: <2015-11-20> GOODREADS:
1.2.46. Complexity: The Emerging Science at the Edge of Order and Chaos
AUTHOR: M. Mitchell Waldrop ADDED: <2015-11-15> GOODREADS:
1.2.47. The Origins of Order: Self-Organization and Selection in Evolution
AUTHOR: Stuart A. Kauffman ADDED: <2015-11-06> GOODREADS:
1.2.48. READ Complexity: A Guided Tour
AUTHOR: Melanie Mitchell ADDED: <2015-10-19> GOODREADS:
1.2.49. Arrival of the Fittest: Solving Evolution's Greatest Puzzle
AUTHOR: Andreas Wagner ADDED: <2015-03-18> GOODREADS:
1.2.50. The Fractal Geometry of Nature
AUTHOR: Benoît B. Mandelbrot ADDED: <2015-02-01> GOODREADS:
1.2.51. The Greatest Show on Earth: The Evidence for Evolution
AUTHOR: Richard Dawkins ADDED: <2015-01-29> GOODREADS:
1.2.52. The Epigenetics Revolution
AUTHOR: Nessa Carey ADDED: <2015-01-22> GOODREADS:
1.2.53. READ A New Kind of Science
AUTHOR: Stephen Wolfram ADDED: <2014-12-18> GOODREADS:
1.2.54. Life Itself: A Comprehensive Inquiry Into the Nature, Origin, and Fabrication of Life
AUTHOR: Robert Rosen ADDED: <2014-11-06> GOODREADS:
1.2.55. READ The Selfish Gene
AUTHOR: Richard Dawkins ADDED: <2014-07-13> GOODREADS:
This is a great book. I probably read it at the right time to understand and appreciate more of the issues it talks about. For an amateur interested in evolution, this marks an important point from where you start to think more deeply about why the world is the way it is.
1.2.56. READ The Blind Watchmaker: Why the Evidence of Evolution Reveals a Universe Without Design
AUTHOR: Richard Dawkins ADDED: <2014-04-10> GOODREADS:
1.2.57. READ Chaos: Making a New Science
AUTHOR: James Gleick ADDED: <2014-03-19> GOODREADS:
1.2.58. The Vital Question: Energy, Evolution, and the Origins of Complex Life
AUTHOR: Nick Lane ADDED: <2016-03-25> GOODREADS:
1.3. Programming
Books about the craft itself. More theoretical computer science is going to go in the math section.
1.3.1. Designing Data-Intensive Applications: The Big Ideas Behind Reliable, Scalable, and Maintainable Systems
AUTHOR: Martin Kleppmann ADDED: [2021-04-24] AMAZON:
1.3.2. Clean Architecture: A Craftsman's Guide to Software Structure and Design
AUTHOR: Robert C. Martin ADDED: [2018-12-27] AMAZON:
1.3.3. Exercises in Programming Style
AUTHOR: Cristina Videira Lopes ADDED: [2018-11-07] AMAZON:
1.3.5. The Little Typer
AUTHOR: Daniel P. Friedman, David Thrane Christiansen ADDED: [2018-09-30] AMAZON:
1.3.6. READ The Little MLer
AUTHOR: Matthias Felleisen, Daniel P. Friedman ADDED: [2018-09-30] AMAZON:
1.3.7. Higher-Order Perl: Transforming Programs with Programs
AUTHOR: Mark Jason Dominus ADDED: <2018-08-05> AMAZON:
1.3.8. Programming Pearls (ACM Press)
AUTHOR: Jon Bentley ADDED: <2018-08-05> AMAZON:
1.3.9. Purely Functional Data Structures
AUTHOR: Chris Okasaki ADDED: <2018-08-05> AMAZON:
1.3.10. Engineering: A Compiler
AUTHOR: Keith Cooper, Linda Torczon ADDED: <2018-08-01> AMAZON:
1.3.11. The Art of the Metaobject Protocol
AUTHOR: Gregor Kiczales, Jim Des Rivieres, Daniel G. Bobrow ADDED: <2018-07-28> GOODREADS:
1.3.12. READ The Mythical Man-Month: Essays on Software Engineering
AUTHOR: Frederick P. Brooks Jr. ADDED: <2018-07-28> GOODREADS:
This is about team software engineering which makes it a book on management more than anything. A few essays (e.g. No Silver Bullet) and many ideas are pretty famous so might not give a POV shift.
I liked the piece on consistency which discussed why single designer systems make practical sense.
1.3.13. READ The Elements of Programming Style, 2nd Edition
AUTHOR: Brian W. Kernighan, P. J. Plauger ADDED: <2018-07-28> AMAZON:
Languages used in the book (FORTRAN, PL/I) are outdated but the ideas discussed are pretty relevant, specially for professional programmers (since maintainability issues show up quickly when multiple people are involved).
The rules listed in the book, which you can read from the Wikipedia page, are commonplace these days (at least in theory) but since the book is short and the commentary elaborates a certain approach for application of these rules, it's a worthwhile read.
1.3.14. READ Coders at Work: Reflections on the Craft of Programming
AUTHOR: Peter Seibel ADDED: <2018-07-23> AMAZON:
1.3.15. READ Seven Languages in Seven Weeks
1.3.16. Realm of Racket: Learn to Program, One Game at a Time!
AUTHOR: Conrad Barski M.D., David Van Horn, Eight Students Northeastern University of ADDED: <2017-10-14> AMAZON:
1.3.17. Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software
AUTHOR: Erich Gamma, Richard Helm, Ralph Johnson, John Vlissides ADDED: <2017-06-28> AMAZON:
1.3.18. Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs
AUTHOR: Harold Abelson, Gerald Jay Sussman, Julie Sussman ADDED: <2017-06-28> GOODREADS:
1.3.19. How to Design Programs: An Introduction to Programming and Computing
AUTHOR: Matthias Felleisen ADDED: <2017-06-28> AMAZON:
1.3.20. Practical Common Lisp
AUTHOR: Peter Seibel ADDED: <2017-06-28> AMAZON:
1.3.21. Beautiful Racket
AUTHOR: Matthew Butterick ADDED: <2017-06-28> URL:
1.3.22. READ The Little Schemer
AUTHOR: Daniel P. Friedman, Matthias Felleisen, Duane Bibby, Gerald J. Sussman ADDED: <2017-04-30> GOODREADS:
1.3.23. On Lisp: Advanced Techniques for Common Lisp
AUTHOR: Paul Graham ADDED: <2017-01-28> GOODREADS:
1.3.24. READ The Pragmatic Programmer: From Journeyman to Master
AUTHOR: Andrew Hunt, Dave Thomas ADDED: <2016-09-16> GOODREADS:
A good book. More like a collection of things, but the authors state this upfront so it doesn't break the idea of a flowing read. Has a light take on the ideas it presents, which makes it a comfortable read without sounding overly preachy.
1.3.25. Literate Programming
AUTHOR: Donald Ervin Knuth ADDED: <2016-09-13> GOODREADS:
1.3.26. Paradigms of Artificial Intelligence Programming: Case Studies in Common LISP
AUTHOR: Peter Norvig ADDED: <2014-07-10> GOODREADS:
1.4. Design/Art
This section is more general than what the title proclaims. Here I have tried to keep books which talk about a way of presenting information, interfaces and ideas.
1.4.1. READ Ways of Seeing
AUTHOR: John Berger ADDED: [2023-05-02] AMAZON:
1.4.2. READ Seeing with Fresh Eyes: Meaning, Space, Data, Truth
AUTHOR: Edward R. Tufte ADDED: [2022-12-03] AMAZON:
Fifth the ET's series. This one felt a little incoherent and little less thematic. But once you set up the right mood to read then it's enjoyable. I found it to be a little less informative as compared to previous ones but that might be an artifact of me reading the previous four more or less together so I might not be the best judge of information per book.
I read this in a hardbound version and I came to know about the category of coffee table books. That made me read it also like a coffee table book, in a slower than usual pace with a little bit of jumping around through chapters.
1.4.3. READ Designing Voice User Interfaces: Principles of Conversational Experiences
AUTHOR: Cathy Pearl ADDED: <2018-07-21> AMAZON:
1.4.4. Pantone's Guide to Communicating with Color
AUTHOR: Leatrice Eisemann ADDED: <2018-04-10> AMAZON:
1.4.5. The Elements of Typographic Style
AUTHOR: Robert Bringhurst ADDED: <2018-04-10> AMAZON:
1.4.6. Don't Make Me Think: A Common Sense Approach to Web Usability, 2nd Edition
AUTHOR: ADDED: <2017-08-09> AMAZON:
1.4.7. Advanced Cartooning and Other Drawings
AUTHOR: B. Kliban ADDED: <2017-06-15> GOODREADS:
1.4.8. The Story of Art
AUTHOR: E.H. Gombrich ADDED: <2017-08-08> GOODREADS:
1.4.9. Visual Thinking
AUTHOR: Rudolf Arnheim ADDED: <2017-06-09> GOODREADS:
1.4.10. Art and Illusion: A Study in the Psychology of Pictorial Representation
AUTHOR: E.H. Gombrich ADDED: <2017-06-09> GOODREADS:
1.4.11. READ Visual Explanations: Images and Quantities, Evidence and Narrative
AUTHOR: Edward R. Tufte ADDED: <2017-01-18> GOODREADS:
Loved this book thoroughly. Takes me back to the explanatory books I used to read when younger. Makes you develop an eye for criticizing / respecting visual explanations, just what you expect from the title.
1.4.12. READ Envisioning Information
AUTHOR: Edward R. Tufte ADDED: <2017-01-18> GOODREADS:
1.4.13. READ The Visual Display of Quantitative Information
AUTHOR: Edward R. Tufte ADDED: <2016-12-22> GOODREADS:
Interesting read on some of the earlier theory and works in statistical visualizations.
1.4.14. A Manual for Writers of Research Papers, Theses, and Dissertations: Chicago Style for Students and Researchers
AUTHOR: Kate L. Turabian, Wayne C. Booth, Gregory G. Colomb, Joseph M. Williams, University of Chicago Press ADDED: <2016-12-16> GOODREADS:
1.4.15. The Chicago Manual of Style
AUTHOR: University of Chicago Press ADDED: <2016-12-16> GOODREADS:
1.4.16. Style: The Basics of Clarity and Grace
AUTHOR: Joseph M. Williams ADDED: <2016-12-16> GOODREADS:
1.4.17. The Grammar of Graphics
AUTHOR: Leland Wilkinson ADDED: <2016-10-18> GOODREADS:
1.4.18. READ Beautiful Evidence
AUTHOR: Edward R. Tufte ADDED: <2016-09-24> GOODREADS:
1.4.19. READ Butterick's Practical Typography
AUTHOR: Matthew Butterick, Erik Spiekermann ADDED: <2015-11-18> GOODREADS:
1.4.20. READ How to Write a Thesis
AUTHOR: Umberto Eco, Caterina Mongiat Farina, Geoff Farina, Francesco Erspamer ADDED: <2015-05-02> GOODREADS:
As is already iterated in the translators' notes, this book is pretty outdated as far as the specifics are concerned. Nevertheless, this presents a good set of approaches on organizing and executing research. Many of these are already popular. In that case:
My book can then serve as a reminder, bringing to awareness what many of you have already absorbed without realizing it.
1.4.21. On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft
AUTHOR: Stephen King ADDED: <2015-02-01> GOODREADS:
1.4.22. The Elements of Style
AUTHOR: William Strunk Jr., E.B. White ADDED: <2015-02-01> GOODREADS:
1.4.23. READ Ernest Hemingway on Writing
AUTHOR: Ernest Hemingway, Larry W. Phillips, Charles Scribner Jr. ADDED: <2015-02-01> GOODREADS:
1.4.24. READ The Design of Everyday Things
AUTHOR: Donald A. Norman ADDED: <2014-12-18> GOODREADS:
1.4.25. Bird by Bird: Some Instructions on Writing and Life
AUTHOR: Anne Lamott ADDED: <2015-02-01> GOODREADS:
1.5. Biographies/Memoirs
1.5.1. READ Tuesdays with Morrie
AUTHOR: Mitch Albom ADDED: [2024-11-25] URL:
Read a memoir after a long time and it was a great one. Thanks to Unnu for this book.
1.5.2. The Disaster Artist: My Life Inside The Room, the Greatest Bad Movie Ever Made
AUTHOR: Tom Bissell ADDED: <2017-09-18> AMAZON:
1.5.3. The Autobiography of Charles Darwin, 1809–82
AUTHOR: Charles Darwin, Nora Barlow ADDED: <2017-09-12> GOODREADS:
1.5.4. Troublemaker: Surviving Hollywood and Scientology
AUTHOR: Leah Remini, Rebecca Paley ADDED: <2016-11-29> GOODREADS:
1.5.5. Mein Kampf
AUTHOR: Adolf Hitler ADDED: <2016-11-28> GOODREADS:
1.5.6. READ Confessions of a Necromancer
AUTHOR: Pieter Hintjens ADDED: <2016-11-12> GOODREADS:
1.5.7. Hitch-22: A Memoir
AUTHOR: Christopher Hitchens ADDED: <2016-08-30> GOODREADS:
1.5.8. READ Mortality
AUTHOR: Christopher Hitchens ADDED: <2016-08-26> GOODREADS:
There is a different complexion in a dying person's writing. You don't have to like it or hate it. It's honest, brutal and beautiful.
1.5.9. READ Hyperbole and a Half: Unfortunate Situations, Flawed Coping Mechanisms, Mayhem, and Other Things That Happened
AUTHOR: Allie Brosh ADDED: <2016-08-12> GOODREADS:
1.5.10. A Child Called "It" (Dave Pelzer #1)
AUTHOR: Dave Pelzer ADDED: <2016-08-12> GOODREADS:
1.5.11. Idea Makers: Personal Perspectives on the Lives & Ideas of Some Notable People
AUTHOR: Stephen Wolfram ADDED: <2016-07-09> GOODREADS:
1.5.12. Infidel
AUTHOR: Ayaan Hirsi Ali ADDED: <2016-04-25> GOODREADS:
1.5.13. The Year of Magical Thinking
AUTHOR: Joan Didion ADDED: <2016-04-05> GOODREADS:
1.5.14. Feynman's Rainbow: A Search for Beauty in Physics and in Life
AUTHOR: Leonard Mlodinow ADDED: <2016-03-04> GOODREADS:
1.5.15. The Motorcycle Diaries: Notes on a Latin American Journey
AUTHOR: Ernesto Che Guevara, Aleida Guevara March ADDED: <2015-10-28> GOODREADS:
1.5.16. Genius At Play: The Curious Mind of John Horton Conway
AUTHOR: Siobhan Roberts ADDED: <2015-10-07> GOODREADS:
1.5.17. Under a Lucky Star
AUTHOR: Roy Chapman Andrews, Charles Gallenkamp, Ann Bausum ADDED: <2015-07-06> GOODREADS:
1.5.18. On the Move: A Life
AUTHOR: Oliver Sacks ADDED: <2015-04-25> GOODREADS:
1.5.19. Book of Ages: The Life and Opinions of Jane Franklin
AUTHOR: Jill Lepore ADDED: <2015-04-21> GOODREADS:
1.5.21. Time, Love, Memory: A Great Biologist and His Quest for the Origins of Behavior
AUTHOR: Jonathan Weiner ADDED: <2015-02-17> GOODREADS:
1.5.22. Rosalind Franklin: The Dark Lady of DNA
AUTHOR: Brenda Maddox ADDED: <2015-02-16> GOODREADS:
1.5.23. Reason for Hope: A Spiritual Journey
AUTHOR: Jane Goodall, Phillip Berman ADDED: <2015-01-19> GOODREADS:
1.5.24. Dear Professor Einstein: Albert Einstein's Letters to and from Children
AUTHOR: Albert Einstein, Alice Calaprice, Robert Schulmann, Evelyn Einstein ADDED: <2015-01-17> GOODREADS:
1.5.25. READ Genius: The Life and Science of Richard Feynman
AUTHOR: James Gleick ADDED: <2015-01-15> GOODREADS:
1.5.26. A Life Decoded: My Genome: My Life
AUTHOR: J. Craig Venter ADDED: <2015-01-06> GOODREADS:
1.5.27. READ What Do You Care What Other People Think?: Further Adventures of a Curious Character
AUTHOR: Richard Feynman ADDED: <2014-12-19> GOODREADS:
1.5.28. Hackers: Heroes of the Computer Revolution
AUTHOR: Steven Levy ADDED: <2014-12-18> GOODREADS:
1.5.29. The Man Who Knew Infinity: A Life of the Genius Ramanujan
AUTHOR: Robert Kanigel ADDED: <2014-12-17> GOODREADS:
1.5.30. READ Nikola Tesla: Imagination and the Man That Invented the 20th Century
AUTHOR: Sean Patrick ADDED: <2014-04-10> GOODREADS:
1.5.31. READ Surely You're Joking, Mr. Feynman!: Adventures of a Curious Character
AUTHOR: Richard Feynman ADDED: <2014-03-19> GOODREADS:
1.5.32. October Sky
AUTHOR: Homer Hickam ADDED: <2015-08-17> GOODREADS:
1.6. Religion
1.6.1. Religion and Science
AUTHOR: Bertrand Russell, Michael Ruse ADDED: <2017-06-09> GOODREADS:
1.6.2. A History of God: The 4,000-Year Quest of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam
AUTHOR: Karen Armstrong ADDED: <2017-08-08> GOODREADS:
1.6.3. The Book Your Church Doesn't Want You to Read
AUTHOR: Tim C. Leedom, Bill Jenkins ADDED: <2017-01-28> GOODREADS:
1.6.4. Nonbeliever Nation: The Rise of Secular Americans
AUTHOR: David Niose ADDED: <2017-01-28> GOODREADS:
1.6.5. Society Without God: What the Least Religious Nations Can Tell Us about Contentment
AUTHOR: Phil Zuckerman ADDED: <2017-01-28> GOODREADS:
1.6.6. The Portable Atheist: Essential Readings for the Nonbeliever
AUTHOR: Christopher Hitchens, Titus Lucretius Carus, Omar Khayyám, Thomas Hobbes, Baruch Spinoza, David Hume, James Boswell, Percy Bysshe Shelley, George Eliot, Charles Darwin, Leslie Stephen, Anatole France, Mark Twain, Joseph Conrad, Thomas Hardy, Emma Goldman, H.P. Lovecraft, Carl Van Doren, H.L. Mencken, Sigmund Freud, Albert Einstein, George Orwell, John Betjeman, Chapman Cohen, Bertrand Russell, Philip Larkin, Martin Gardner, Carl Sagan, John Updike, John Leslie Mackie, Michael Shermer, A.J. Ayer, Daniel C. Dennett, Charles Templeton, Richard Dawkins, Victor J. Stenger, Elizabeth S. Anderson, Penn Jillette, Ian McEwan, Steven Weinberg, Salman Rushdie, Ibn Warraq, Sam Harris, A.C. Grayling, Ayaan Hirsi Ali, John Stuart Mill, Karl Marx ADDED: <2017-01-28> GOODREADS:
1.6.7. The End of Faith: Religion, Terror, and the Future of Reason
AUTHOR: Sam Harris ADDED: <2017-01-09> GOODREADS:
1.6.8. The Skeptic's Annotated Bible
AUTHOR: Steve Wells ADDED: <2017-01-09> GOODREADS:
1.6.9. God is Not Great: How Religion Poisons Everything
AUTHOR: Christopher Hitchens ADDED: <2017-01-09> GOODREADS:
1.6.10. Letter to a Christian Nation
AUTHOR: Sam Harris ADDED: <2017-01-09> GOODREADS:
1.6.12. What I Believe
AUTHOR: Bertrand Russell ADDED: <2016-09-06> GOODREADS:
1.6.13. The Varieties of Religious Experience
AUTHOR: William James ADDED: <2016-06-17> GOODREADS:
1.6.14. Fighting God: An Atheist Manifesto for a Religious World
AUTHOR: David Silverman, Cara Santa Maria ADDED: <2015-12-02> GOODREADS:
1.6.15. The Evolution of God
AUTHOR: Robert Wright ADDED: <2015-02-26> GOODREADS:
1.6.16. Religion for Atheists: A Non-Believer's Guide to the Uses of Religion
AUTHOR: Alain de Botton ADDED: <2015-02-25> GOODREADS:
1.6.17. The God Delusion
AUTHOR: Richard Dawkins ADDED: <2015-01-29> GOODREADS:
1.6.18. The Tao of Physics: An Exploration of the Parallels between Modern Physics and Eastern Mysticism
AUTHOR: Fritjof Capra ADDED: <2014-04-10> GOODREADS:
1.7. Philosophy
1.7.1. READ Think: A Compelling Introduction to Philosophy
URL: AUTHOR: Simon Blackburn ADDED: <2024-09-11>
1.7.2. READ A Guide to the Good Life: The Ancient Art of Stoic Joy
AUTHOR: William B Irvine ADDED: [2023-06-18] AMAZON:
A really solid introduction to stoicism. It reads very easily read and covers many practical, day to day, aspects. The most important take away for me here was not so much of finer details of how stoicism works, but the whole concept of building a philosophy of life that could drive things like your values, principles, prioritization criteria etc.
Stoicism itself feels very close to how I see my own philosophy of life evolve, though I am now extremely motivated to dissect all relevant philosophies and spend time building my own.
Thanks to Gopal for this book.
1.7.3. What Computers Still Can't Do: A Critique of Artificial Reason
AUTHOR: Hubert L. Dreyfus ADDED: [2022-03-21] GOODREADS:
1.7.4. What Computers Can't Do: A Critique of Artificial Reason
AUTHOR: Hubert L. Dreyfus ADDED: [2022-03-21] GOODREADS:
1.7.5. On Deconstruction: Theory and Criticism after Structuralism
AUTHOR: Jonathan Culler ADDED: [2021-05-22] AMAZON:
1.7.6. Thinking to some purpose: A manual of first-aid to clear thinking, showing how to detect illogicalities in other people's mental processes and avoid them in our own.
AUTHOR: L. Susan Stebbing ADDED: [2021-02-15] GOODREADS:
1.7.7. READ Causation: A Very Short Introduction
AUTHOR: Stephen Mumford, Rani Lill Anjum ADDED: [2020-11-29] AMAZON:
A very nice introduction. I really liked the way concepts were ordered. Whenever I started preempting a crisis, an appropriate next idea was within 2-3 pages.
1.7.8. Focusing
AUTHOR: Eugene T. Gendlin ADDED: [2020-11-03] AMAZON:
1.7.9. The Myth of Sisyphus and Other Essays
AUTHOR: Albert Camus, Justin O'Brien ADDED: [2020-03-30] GOODREADS:
1.7.10. The Philosophy of Language
AUTHOR: A. P. Martinich ADDED: [2020-03-29] AMAZON:
1.7.11. Philosophy of Language: A Contemporary Introduction, 2nd Edition
AUTHOR: William G Lycan, William G. Lycan ADDED: [2020-03-29] AMAZON:
1.7.12. Heidegger, Habermas and the Mobile Phone (Postmodern Encounters)
AUTHOR: George Myerson ADDED: [2020-03-29] AMAZON:
1.7.13. The Ethics Of Ambiguity
AUTHOR: Simone De Beauvoir ADDED: [2020-02-01] AMAZON:
1.7.14. On Bullshit
AUTHOR: Harry G. Frankfurt ADDED: [2019-07-13] GOODREADS:
1.7.15. A Treatise of Human Nature
AUTHOR: David Hume ADDED: [2019-01-04] AMAZON:
1.7.16. READ Moral Fables, followed by “Thoughts”
AUTHOR: Giacomo Leopardi, J.G. Nichols ADDED: [2018-12-26] GOODREADS:
1.7.17. Infinity and the Mind: The Science and Philosophy of the Infinite
AUTHOR: Rudy Rucker ADDED: [2018-11-06] GOODREADS:
1.7.18. Science and the Modern World
AUTHOR: Alfred North Whitehead ADDED: <2018-06-17> GOODREADS:
1.7.19. READ Lila: An Inquiry Into Morals
AUTHOR: Robert M. Pirsig ADDED: <2018-06-08> GOODREADS:
This is the ideological sequel to Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance and has a more formalized explanation of 'Quality'. Even though I might be writing a short post about my feelings for Quality, I feel I can do some nitpicking here.
In the closing sections, there is an exploration of root of the word arete where we go on to find connections with the Sanskrit word ऋत. Then we connect a few more dots and conclude a few things. What worries me is the process of getting there which felt like inducing a lot of bias. Maybe there is a connection, maybe there is none. But if this connection is important, then we should be going there in a more matter-of-fact fashion and a bit earlier too.
This nebulousness gets reinforced by a few other cases where the arguments don't feel very solid for something which maybe doesn't even need an objective argument to begin with. For example there is a discussion of nimbus which tries to convince you of dynamic quality in an empirical-ish way but then stays at a kind of safe distance.
The book is read worthy but if you come in with questions, you probably will not be a very comfortable person at the end. To clarify, a part of this is because the idea itself is not the theory of everything, but there are other pieces (like the examples above) which will leave you feeling like you can find inconsistencies somewhere. My next steps will mostly involve trying to do this finding and see what things pop up.
1.7.20. Critique of Pure Reason
AUTHOR: Immanuel Kant GOODREADS: ADDED: <2018-06-04>
1.7.21. READ I Am a Strange Loop
AUTHOR: Douglas R. Hofstadter ADDED: <2018-05-06> GOODREADS:
This reminds me a lot of a newer book 'Consciousness and the Social Brain' by Michael Graziano, where the author talks about an attention schema. In that, consciousness of a system is basically attention directed towards a model of itself.
And this is the idea behind the strange loops in this book. A system with enough representational power to represent itself is going to perceive, analyze and modify itself. This ability to loop around is what makes it conscious.
This book is good but unless you have dualist tendencies or have inclination towards other solutions, it might feel lengthy since Douglas presents a lot of examples and analogies.
1.7.22. The Denial of Death
AUTHOR: Ernest Becker, Sam Keen, Daniel Goleman ADDED: <2017-09-21> GOODREADS:
1.7.23. The Age of Reason
AUTHOR: Thomas Paine ADDED: <2017-06-09> GOODREADS:
1.7.24. Common Sense
AUTHOR: Thomas Paine ADDED: <2017-06-09> GOODREADS:
1.7.25. The Republic
AUTHOR: Plato, Desmond Lee ADDED: <2017-06-09> GOODREADS:
1.7.26. Myths to Live By
AUTHOR: Joseph Campbell, Johnson E. Fairchild ADDED: <2017-06-09> GOODREADS:
1.7.27. Mind in Society: Development of Higher Psychological Processes
AUTHOR: Lev S. Vygotsky, Vera John-Steiner, Michael Cole, Sylvia Scribner, Ellen Souberman ADDED: <2017-06-09> GOODREADS:
1.7.28. Freedom and Culture
AUTHOR: John Dewey, Robert M. Baird, Stuart E. Rosenbaum ADDED: <2017-06-09> GOODREADS:
1.7.29. The Interpretation of Cultures
AUTHOR: Clifford Geertz ADDED: <2017-06-09> GOODREADS:
1.7.30. Privacy and Freedom
AUTHOR: Alan Westin ADDED: <2017-06-09> GOODREADS:
1.7.31. On Tyranny: Twenty Lessons from the Twentieth Century
AUTHOR: Timothy Snyder ADDED: <2017-06-04> GOODREADS:
1.7.32. Utopia
AUTHOR: Thomas More, Paul Turner ADDED: <2017-03-03> GOODREADS:
1.7.33. Development as Freedom
AUTHOR: Amartya Sen ADDED: <2017-03-03> GOODREADS:
1.7.34. Politics
AUTHOR: Aristotle ADDED: <2017-03-01> GOODREADS:
1.7.35. The Wealth of Nations
AUTHOR: Adam Smith ADDED: <2016-11-28> GOODREADS:
1.7.36. Two Treatises of Government
AUTHOR: John Locke, Peter Laslett, Raymond Geuss ADDED: <2017-03-01> GOODREADS:
1.7.37. An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding
AUTHOR: David Hume ADDED: <2017-03-01> GOODREADS:
1.7.38. The New Organon
AUTHOR: Francis Bacon, Lisa Jardine, Michael Silverthorne ADDED: <2017-03-01> GOODREADS:
1.7.39. READ Sceptical Essays
AUTHOR: Bertrand Russell, John N. Gray ADDED: <2017-02-23> GOODREADS:
Probably not a lot new for contemporary readers, but there are places where you will feel a little amused realizing that the content here are from the 1920s.
1.7.40. Man and His Symbols
AUTHOR: C.G. Jung, Joseph L. Henderson, Aniela Jaffé, Jolande Jacobi, John Freeman, Marie-Louise von Franz ADDED: <2017-02-23> GOODREADS:
1.7.41. Candide
AUTHOR: Voltaire ADDED: <2017-01-28> GOODREADS:
1.7.42. The Communist Manifesto
AUTHOR: Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels, Gareth Stedman Jones ADDED: <2016-11-28> GOODREADS:
1.7.43. The Anatomy of Fascism
AUTHOR: Robert O. Paxton ADDED: <2016-11-28> GOODREADS:
1.7.44. READ Five Moral Pieces
AUTHOR: Umberto Eco, Alastair McEwen ADDED: <2016-11-28> GOODREADS:
Really good pieces in here. Specially Ur-Fascism.
1.7.45. Leviathan
AUTHOR: Thomas Hobbes, C.B. Macpherson ADDED: <2016-09-23> GOODREADS:
1.7.46. The Anti-Christ
AUTHOR: Friedrich Nietzsche, H.L. Mencken ADDED: <2016-09-23> GOODREADS:
1.7.47. Media Control: The Spectacular Achievements of Propaganda
AUTHOR: Noam Chomsky ADDED: <2016-09-23> GOODREADS:
1.7.48. On Anarchism
AUTHOR: Noam Chomsky, Barry Pateman ADDED: <2016-09-23> GOODREADS:
1.7.49. READ Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance: An Inquiry Into Values
AUTHOR: Robert M. Pirsig ADDED: <2016-08-07> GOODREADS:
I am unsure if I really get the philosophy of quality. The basic idea is alright, Quality goes above the subject/object division and bridges them both. As a way of life, it has certain nice outcomes. What I am not sure of, is about the objective (note the contradiction, which I can't avoid with my current philosophical knowledge) truth of the thesis considering all the scientific knowledge we have right now.
Knowing that the second book goes on formalizing this concept a little bit more, I will hold my opinions for a while. Nevertheless, this is a nice read with a beautiful story embedded in it.
Thanks to Nick for the book!
1.7.50. The Anatomy of Melancholy
AUTHOR: Robert Burton, William H. Gass ADDED: <2016-06-17> GOODREADS:
1.7.51. Thus Spoke Zarathustra
AUTHOR: Friedrich Nietzsche ADDED: <2016-08-07> GOODREADS:
1.7.52. The Flight of the Garuda: The Dzogchen Tradition of Tibetan Buddhism
AUTHOR: Padmasambhava, Godemchan, Guru Chowang, Shabkar Tsogdruk Rangdrol, Keith Dowman ADDED: <2016-04-25> GOODREADS:
1.7.54. The Last Word
AUTHOR: Thomas Nagel ADDED: <2016-04-25> GOODREADS:
1.7.55. Reasons and Persons
AUTHOR: Derek Parfit ADDED: <2016-04-25> GOODREADS:
1.7.56. A History of Western Philosophy
AUTHOR: Bertrand Russell ADDED: <2016-04-25> GOODREADS:
1.7.57. Orientalism
AUTHOR: Edward Said ADDED: <2016-04-05> GOODREADS:
1.7.58. The Clash of Civilizations and the Remaking of World Order
AUTHOR: Samuel P. Huntington ADDED: <2015-11-27> GOODREADS:
1.7.59. Invisible: The Dangerous Allure of the Unseen
AUTHOR: Philip Ball ADDED: <2015-05-20> GOODREADS:
1.7.60. The Interpretation of Dreams
AUTHOR: Sigmund Freud ADDED: <2015-07-06> GOODREADS:
1.7.61. Quadrivium: The Four Classical Liberal Arts of Number, Geometry, Music, & Cosmology
AUTHOR: John Martineau, Miranda Lundy, Daud Sutton, Anthony Ashton, Jason Martineau ADDED: <2015-02-10> GOODREADS:
1.7.62. The Book on the Taboo Against Knowing Who You Are
AUTHOR: Alan W. Watts ADDED: <2015-02-05> GOODREADS:
1.7.63. Experimental Philosophy
AUTHOR: Joshua Knobe, Shaun Nichols ADDED: <2015-02-05> GOODREADS:
1.7.64. Farewell to Reality: How Modern Physics Has Betrayed the Search for Scientific Truth
AUTHOR: Jim Baggott ADDED: <2015-02-02> GOODREADS:
1.7.65. READ The Island of Knowledge: The Limits of Science and the Search for Meaning
AUTHOR: Marcelo Gleiser ADDED: <2015-02-02> GOODREADS:
1.7.66. A History of Western Philosophy, Volume 1: The Classical Mind
AUTHOR: W.T. Jones, Robert J. Fogelin ADDED: <2015-02-02> GOODREADS:
1.7.67. But We Were Born Free
AUTHOR: Elmer Holmes Davis ADDED: <2015-02-02> GOODREADS:
1.7.68. Who Speaks for Man
AUTHOR: Norman Cousins ADDED: <2015-02-02> GOODREADS:
1.7.69. Timaeus
AUTHOR: Plato, Donald J. Zeyl ADDED: <2015-02-02> GOODREADS:
1.7.70. The Ascent of Man
AUTHOR: Jacob Bronowski ADDED: <2015-01-29> GOODREADS:
1.7.71. READ Walden
AUTHOR: Henry David Thoreau ADDED: <2015-01-15> GOODREADS:
Took a little more time than regular. Mostly because, after a while, I started picking small chunks and going through them deliberately. Less concerned with having the content stay longer in memory, more with the idea of putting myself as close as possible to the author. And it turned out to be a rewarding experience.
1.7.72. READ Man's Search for Meaning
AUTHOR: Viktor E. Frankl ADDED: <2015-01-14> GOODREADS:
I think I got more from the pieces on logotherapy and less from the main body itself which is the opposite of what I was looking for. I thought I will get some deeply emotional experience from the main memoir, but I stayed relatively numb while reading those sections. Maybe because I have read many works of fiction with torture in difficult situations as key elements. Will I recommend reading this? Yes. I would have hesitated if this book was too long but that's not the case.
1.7.73. READ What Is Life?: With Mind and Matter and Autobiographical Sketches
AUTHOR: Erwin Schrödinger, Roger Penrose ADDED: <2015-01-10> GOODREADS:
1.7.74. The Demon-Haunted World: Science as a Candle in the Dark
AUTHOR: Carl Sagan, Ann Druyan ADDED: <2014-12-19> GOODREADS:
1.7.75. Our Mathematical Universe: My Quest for the Ultimate Nature of Reality
AUTHOR: Max Tegmark ADDED: <2014-12-18> GOODREADS:
1.7.76. READ The Structure of Scientific Revolutions
AUTHOR: Thomas S. Kuhn ADDED: <2014-12-18> GOODREADS:
I started this a few years ago but wasn't really in the zone to continue. This time though, it went pretty well. What you will find here is a certain presentation and analysis of history of science which is not possible to find in the course of what Kuhn calls normal science. Output from normal science drives a lot of the practical progress that we see in the world and this makes us feel that scientific advancement proceeds in a cumulative fashion. At the very fundamental level though, this is not a given. Scientific revolutions involve perceptual switches between two paradigms which are at odds concerning the meaning of fundamental ontological forms. Post revolution, the usual methods of scientific communication (either textbooks or pop-science) will not, by design, represent the crisis faithfully enough to have similar discussions as in the period of revolution.
You can clearly see why the ideas presented have controversies around them. A good set of criticisms and arguments against it can be found in the postscript itself. One that stands out to me is the idea that the whole thing promotes relativism in some form. Considering the ways in which a certain person assimilates a certain paradigm as true, this discussion is fundamentally about whether there is a neutral standpoint for viewing and understanding natural phenomenon. Most fundamental pieces of the book are based on absence of such neutral observation language. What happens if such is not the case is going to be interesting.
1.7.77. Unweaving the Rainbow: Science, Delusion and the Appetite for Wonder
AUTHOR: Richard Dawkins ADDED: <2014-12-16> GOODREADS:
1.7.78. The Lagoon: How Aristotle Invented Science
AUTHOR: Armand Marie Leroi ADDED: <2014-12-16> GOODREADS:
1.7.79. READ Flatland: A Romance of Many Dimensions
AUTHOR: Edwin A. Abbott, Banesh Hoffmann ADDED: <2014-10-27> GOODREADS:
1.7.80. Gödel, Escher, Bach: An Eternal Golden Braid
AUTHOR: Douglas R. Hofstadter ADDED: <2014-07-13> GOODREADS:
1.8. Psychology
Creating a new section for psychology. I might have to move few books from philosophy section to here.
1.8.1. READ Loving Someone with ADD
AUTHOR: Susan Tschundi ADDED: [2024-03-11] AMAZON:
1.8.2. READ Driven to Distraction (Revised): Recognizing and Coping with Attention Deficit Disorder
AUTHOR: Edward M. Hallowell M.D., John J. Ratey M.D. ADDED: [2023-09-11] AMAZON:
1.8.3. READ Emotional: How Feelings Shape Our Thinking
AUTHOR: Leonard Mlodinow ADDED: [2023-08-07] AMAZON:
Not a full review but an observation which I found to be very beautiful.
So while I was finishing the book, there was a mention of Deepak Chopra as Leonard's friend. Suddenly I got overloaded with a few emotions. Some context: I have had a very scientific upbringing and I have spent effort to understand things that are usually put under pseudo-science. If you will try looking in what Deepak has done, you might see where I am getting to.
But, just closing a book on emotions, I was able to think about this thought and found it interesting how a certain set of apparently uncontrolled emotions drive so much of you from one to the other extreme in no time.
1.8.4. READ The Inner Game of Tennis
AUTHOR: W. Timothy Gallwey ADDED: [2023-04-29] AMAZON:
I got this before a vacation (thanks to Sourabh). It's a pretty short book (~130 pages). Main idea is to respect the natural learning abilities of the intuitive Self 2 as opposed to adding a layer of Self 1 that uses a lossy language to understand, communicate, and criticize what should be done.
Overall, I trust the idea that there exists a Self 2 that works naturally for learning without excessive instructions and just observations. This is based on few personal experiences, most recently involving learning a new keyboard layout. But I am not sure of how far to extend this. Tasks requiring only mental processes might materialize differently. For example the motor system—dominating the intuitive learning in physical activities like Tennis—is not so active in learning abstract constructs like Mathematics. The norm in learning such abstract concepts is to get a lot of instructions to first develop an intuition which, in turn, might build something like a Self 2 where observational, rather than instructional, approach could help to progress further.
1.8.5. The Wisdom of Insecurity: A Message for an Age of Anxiety
AUTHOR: Alan W. Watts ADDED: [2022-11-28] GOODREADS:
1.8.6. Creativity: Flow and the Psychology of Discovery and Invention
AUTHOR: Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi ADDED: [2022-04-20] AMAZON:
1.8.7. The Paradox of Choice: Why More Is Less, Revised Edition
AUTHOR: Barry Schwartz ADDED: [2022-04-20] AMAZON:
1.8.8. READ Attached: The New Science of Adult Attachment and How It Can Help You Find and Keep Love
AUTHOR: Amir Levine, Rachel Heller ADDED: [2022-04-20] AMAZON:
1.8.9. Psychology: A Very Short Introduction (Very Short Introductions)
AUTHOR: Gillian Butler ADDED: [2021-06-06] AMAZON:
1.8.10. READ Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience
AUTHOR: Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi ADDED: [2021-05-30] AMAZON:
Long pending book. I think the ideas have been dissipated enough so not too many of those revelatory moments. Overall a good read, but you can probably get a denser summary somewhere else.
1.8.11. READ Intelligence: A Very Short Introduction
AUTHOR: Ian Deary ADDED: [2021-05-09] AMAZON:
1.8.12. The 48 Laws of Power
AUTHOR: Robert Greene, Joost Elffers ADDED: [2020-12-26] GOODREADS:
1.8.13. Multiple Intelligences: New Horizons: New Horizons in Theory and Practice
AUTHOR: Howard E. Gardner ADDED: [2020-12-26] AMAZON:
1.8.14. Introducing Psychology: Brain, Person, Group
AUTHOR: Stephen M. Kosslyn ADDED: [2020-12-26] AMAZON:
1.8.15. Behave: The Biology of Humans at Our Best and Worst
AUTHOR: Robert M. Sapolsky ADDED: [2020-12-26] AMAZON:
1.8.16. The Principles of Psychology, Vol. 2
AUTHOR: William James ADDED: [2020-12-25] AMAZON:
1.8.17. The Principles of Psychology, Vol. 1
AUTHOR: William James ADDED: [2020-12-25] AMAZON:
1.8.18. Describing inner Experience?
AUTHOR: Russell T Hurlburt ADDED: [2020-12-25] AMAZON:
1.8.19. Psychological Types
AUTHOR: C G Jung Dr, H G Baynes ADDED: [2020-12-25] AMAZON:
1.8.20. Emotional Intelligence: 10th Anniversary Edition; Why It Can Matter More Than IQ
AUTHOR: Daniel Goleman ADDED: [2020-12-25] AMAZON:
1.8.21. The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People: Powerful Lessons in Personal Change
AUTHOR: Stephen R. Covey ADDED: [2020-12-25] AMAZON:
1.9. Uncategorized
1.9.1. READ INKED IN INDIA: Fountain Pens and a Story of Make and Unmake
AUTHOR: Bibek Debroy ADDED: [2024-12-06] AMAZON:
This is an important book to read if you are into fountain pens and want to know about the landscape in India. But other than some facts that I got to know, I did not enjoy reading it. The experience was not super exciting and the whole book felt like polished notes of a journalist instead of a well crafted story. Nevertheless since the book is small in size, this was not a huge problem.
1.9.2. READ Blood in the Machine
AUTHOR: Brian Merchant ADDED: [2024-08-17] URL:
A really good read that tells the backstory of Luddism and how technology has been used by elites to accumulate more power at the cost of working class. I think I liked it more also because of a phase of disenchantment that I am going through right now after working in the tech space for some time.
1.9.3. READ Natural Magic: Emily Dickinson, Charles Darwin, and the Dawn of Modern Science
AUTHOR: Renée Bergland ADDED: [2024-07-20] URL:
I call this book a duography, two biographies intertwined on a common theme. The theme here is a connection between beauty and truth which leads to an enchantment in the way we observe and study the world.
There are places in the book where the duography parts seemed forced, finding connections or references between Darwin and Dickinson in their writings which could've very well be someone else altogether. Nevertheless, the idea remains. Both didn't see beauty and truth as two separate non-overlapping entities and the book does a good job of running through why. It's also an enjoyable read if you— like me—haven't read any biography of the two people separately as this can work as a short version of that too.
1.9.4. READ Masala Lab
AUTHOR: Krish Ashok ADDED: [2024-05-19] AMAZON:
1.9.5. READ Unflattening
AUTHOR: Nick Sousanis ADDED: [2024-05-09] AMAZON:
AUTHOR: James Carse ADDED: [2023-10-03] AMAZON:
1.9.7. READ How to build a low-tech internet
ADDED: [2023-09-11 Mon] AUTHOR: Kris De Decker, Marie Otsuka URL:
1.9.8. READ Rest: Why You Get More Done When You Work Less
AUTHOR: Alex Soojung-Kim Pang ADDED: [2023-07-02] AMAZON:
This book was a little different that what I thought. It covers all of what should be done outside of structured work rather than just what could be classically put under the definition of 'rest'. Though I guess it works for the author since by using 'rest', he is trying to deconstruct all restorative actions that one could take to get energy for their main project.
It's a nice read but probably wasn't super impressive or persuasive. I could see a better version of this book possible.
1.9.9. READ Lifespan: Why We Age―and Why We Don't Have To
AUTHOR: David A. Sinclair PhD, Matthew D. LaPlante ADDED: [2023-01-26] AMAZON:
This was one of the books in my 2023 reading list as I was interested to know about longevity research. I have been told that the statements in this book should be taken with a pinch of salt but I believe it still had enough power to push me hard to think about my health and longevity in general.
1.9.10. Bullshit Jobs: The Rise of Pointless Work and What we can do About it
AUTHOR: David Graeber ADDED: [2022-09-24] AMAZON:
1.9.11. READ A Thousand Brains: A New Theory of Intelligence
AUTHOR: Jeff Hawkins ADDED: [2022-08-13] AMAZON:
1.9.12. Through the Language Glass: Why the World Looks Different in Other Languages
AUTHOR: Guy Deutscher ADDED: [2022-07-10] AMAZON:
1.9.13. The Back of the Napkin (Expanded Edition): Solving Problems and Selling Ideas with Pictures
AUTHOR: Dan Roam ADDED: [2022-07-10] AMAZON:
1.9.14. Gamestorming: A Playbook for Innovators, Rulebreakers, and Changemakers
AUTHOR: Dave Gray, Sunni Brown, James Macanufo ADDED: [2022-07-10] AMAZON:
1.9.15. Thinkertoys: A Handbook of Creative-Thinking Techniques
AUTHOR: Michael Michalko ADDED: [2022-07-10] AMAZON:
1.9.16. READ Think Better: An Innovator's Guide to Productive Thinking
AUTHOR: Tim Hurson ADDED: [2022-07-10] AMAZON:
This is like many other books on applying psychology concepts to business. They almost all end up focusing on the exactness of process,—though this tries to clarify the underlying principles—nomenclature, marketing, and other things.
Whenever people claim something is better, I wish there was more acknowledgement of scientific basis and rigor than what we usually get in such books. During the reading I also got to know about the 'lateral thinking' ecosystem along with it's criticism on how the ideas are just recycled concepts with packaging and extended claims that make good amount of money.
Keeping the above aspect aside, this book did help me think more about the idea of exploiting thinking as a tool. And it's good to reflect on user manual of a tool or just spend time sharpening it. A key change that I am doing after this is to make a proper personal brainstorming process that could help me get beyond surface level ideation. There are other things that you could get from this, so don't let me stop you from reading this.
1.9.17. Who: The A Method for Hiring
AUTHOR: Geoff Smart, Randy Street ADDED: [2022-04-20] AMAZON:
1.9.18. READ An Elegant Puzzle: Systems of Engineering Management
AUTHOR: Will Larson ADDED: [2022-04-20] AMAZON:
1.9.19. The Five Dysfunctions of a Team, Enhanced Edition: A Leadership Fable
AUTHOR: Patrick M. Lencioni ADDED: [2022-04-20] AMAZON:
1.9.20. READ The Effective Executive: The Definitive Guide to Getting the Right Things Done
AUTHOR: Peter F. Drucker ADDED: [2022-04-20] AMAZON:
1.9.21. Radical Candor: Be a Kick-Ass Boss Without Losing Your Humanity
AUTHOR: Kim Scott ADDED: [2022-04-20] AMAZON:
1.9.22. Accelerate: Building and Scaling High Performing Technology Organizations
AUTHOR: Nicole Forsgren PhD, Jez Humble, Gene Kim, Nicole Forsgren, IT Revolution Press, Nicole Forsgren PhD, Jez Humble, Gene Kim, Nicole Forsgren, IT Revolution Press, Nicole Forsgren PhD, Jez Humble, Gene Kim, Nicole Forsgren, IT Revolution Press ADDED: [2022-04-20] AMAZON:
1.9.24. High Output Management
AUTHOR: Andrew S. Grove ADDED: [2022-04-20] AMAZON:
1.9.25. What You Do Is Who You Are : How to Create Your Business Culture
AUTHOR: Ben Horowitz ADDED: [2022-04-20] AMAZON:
1.9.26. Innovator's Dilemma: When New Technologies Cause Great Firms to Fail
AUTHOR: Christensen ADDED: [2022-04-20] AMAZON:
1.9.27. Escaping the Build Trap: How Effective Product Management Creates Real Value
AUTHOR: Melissa Perri ADDED: [2022-04-20] AMAZON:
1.9.28. This Is How Your Marriage Ends: A Hopeful Approach to Saving Relationships
AUTHOR: Matthew Fray ADDED: [2022-04-20] AMAZON:
1.9.29. READ Thinking in Systems: A Primer
AUTHOR: Donella H. Meadows, Diana Wright ADDED: [2022-03-10] GOODREADS:
The length was perfect though I would have liked more example of systems analysis in the mathematical way, and not just high level sketches.
1.9.30. Wired for Speech – How Voice Activates and Advances the Human–Computer Relationship
AUTHOR: Clifford Nass, Scott Brave ADDED: [2021-12-11] AMAZON:
1.9.31. A Crack in Creation: Gene Editing and the Unthinkable Power to Control Evolution
AUTHOR: Jennifer A. Doudna, Samuel H. Sternberg ADDED: [2021-11-11] GOODREADS:
1.9.32. The Code Breaker: Jennifer Doudna, Gene Editing, and the Future of the Human Race
AUTHOR: Walter Isaacson ADDED: [2021-11-11] GOODREADS:
1.9.33. Conversational Style: Analyzing Talk among Friends
AUTHOR: Deborah Tannen ADDED: [2021-08-28] AMAZON:
1.9.34. The First 90 Days, Updated and Expanded: Proven Strategies for Getting Up to Speed Faster and Smarter
AUTHOR: Michael Watkins ADDED: [2021-08-27] AMAZON:
1.9.35. ReOrg: How to Get it Right
AUTHOR: Stephen Heidari-Robinson ADDED: [2021-08-26] AMAZON:
1.9.36. Work Rules!: Insights from Inside Google That Will Transform How You Live and Lead
AUTHOR: Laszlo Bock ADDED: [2021-07-24] AMAZON:
1.9.37. READ The Manager's Handbook
AUTHOR: Alex MacCaw ADDED: [2021-05-30] URL:
1.9.38. Features of Naturalness in Conversation: 152 (Pragmatics & Beyond New Series)
AUTHOR: Martin Warren ADDED: [2021-05-23] AMAZON:
1.9.39. The Score Takes Care of Itself: My Philosophy of Leadership
AUTHOR: Bill Walsh, Steve Jamison ADDED: [2021-04-24] AMAZON:
1.9.40. The Voice in the Machine: Building Computers That Understand Speech
AUTHOR: Roberto Pieraccini ADDED: [2021-04-24] AMAZON:
1.9.41. Death in the Afternoon
AUTHOR: Ernest Hemingway ADDED: [2021-04-24] GOODREADS:
1.9.42. It's Better to Be a Good Machine Than a Bad Person: Speech Recognition and Other Exotic User Interfaces in the Twilight of the Jetsonian Age
AUTHOR: Bruce Balentine, Leslie Degler ADDED: [2021-03-11] AMAZON:
1.9.43. Cognitive Gadgets – The Cultural Evolution of Thinking
AUTHOR: Cecilia Heyes ADDED: [2021-03-11] AMAZON:
1.9.44. The Horizontal Organization: What the Organization of the Future Actually Looks Like and How It Delivers Value to Customers
AUTHOR: Frank Ostroff ADDED: [2021-03-06] AMAZON:
1.9.45. Leadership on the Line: Staying Alive Through the Dangers of Leading
AUTHOR: Heifetz ADDED: [2021-03-06] AMAZON:
1.9.46. Structure in Fives: Designing Effective Organizations (Prentice Hall International Editions)
AUTHOR: Henry Mintzberg ADDED: [2021-03-06] AMAZON:
1.9.47. The Strategy-Focused Organization: How Balanced Scorecard Companies Thrive in the New Business Environment
AUTHOR: Kaplan ADDED: [2021-03-06] AMAZON:
1.9.48. Built to Last: Successful Habits of Visionary Companies (Good to Great Book 2)
AUTHOR: Jim Collins, Jerry I. Porras ADDED: [2021-03-06] AMAZON:
1.9.49. READ How to Take Smart Notes: One Simple Technique to Boost Writing, Learning and Thinking – for Students, Academics and Nonfiction Book Writers
AUTHOR: Sönke Ahrens ADDED: [2021-03-05] GOODREADS:
This is a good book if you want to improve note-taking workflow. It definitely does advocacy for zettelkasten but talks about the larger idea of taking notes as a way of thinking and forming connections between thoughts that would lead to a sustainable source of higher quality thoughts.
I read this in a context when I was struggling with my notes and writings and not getting much out of all that I captured. This helped me to align my goal with writing as not merely a tool for capturing ideas, but working on them daily.
1.9.50. Good Strategy Bad Strategy: The Difference and Why It Matters
AUTHOR: Richard P. Rumelt ADDED: [2021-02-09] GOODREADS:
1.9.51. Extreme You: Step up. Stand out. Kick ass. Repeat.
AUTHOR: Sarah Robb O'Hagan ADDED: [2021-02-09] AMAZON:
1.9.52. The Road Less Traveled: A New Psychology of Love, Traditional Values and Spiritual Growth
AUTHOR: M. Scott Peck ADDED: [2021-01-24] GOODREADS:
1.9.53. Blitzscaling: The Lightning-Fast Path to Building Massively: The Lightning-Fast Path to Building Massively Valuable Companies
AUTHOR: Reid Hoffman, Chris Yeh ADDED: [2021-01-24] AMAZON:
1.9.54. The Lean Startup: How Today's Entrepreneurs Use Continuous Innovation to Create Radically Successful Businesses
AUTHOR: Eric Ries ADDED: [2021-01-20] AMAZON:
1.9.55. READ Leadership: A Very Short Introduction (Very Short Introductions)
AUTHOR: Keith Grint ADDED: [2021-01-01] AMAZON:
Another VSI that I liked.
1.9.56. The Death and Life of Great American Cities
AUTHOR: Jane Jacobs ADDED: [2020-12-26] AMAZON:
1.9.57. Getting What You Came For: The Smart Student's Guide to Earning an M.A. or a Ph.D.
AUTHOR: Robert Peters ADDED: [2020-12-26] AMAZON:
1.9.58. Linguistic Bodies: The Continuity Between Life and Language
AUTHOR: Ezequiel A. Di Paolo, Elena Clare Cuffari, Hanne De Jaegher ADDED: [2020-12-26] GOODREADS:
1.9.59. READ Speaking Our Minds: Why human communication is different, and how language evolved to make it special
AUTHOR: Thom Scott-Phillips ADDED: [2020-12-26] GOODREADS:
Introduced me to few threads in evolution of language. Good read overall.
1.9.60. Causality
AUTHOR: Judea Pearl ADDED: [2020-12-26] AMAZON:
1.9.61. Language: An Introduction to the Study of Speech
AUTHOR: Edward Sapir ADDED: [2020-12-25] AMAZON:
1.9.62. READ Little Book of Conflict Transformation: Clear Articulation Of The Guiding Principles By A Pioneer In The Field
AUTHOR: John Paul Lederach ADDED: [2020-12-25] GOODREADS:
1.9.63. Resilient: How to Grow an Unshakable Core of Calm, Strength, and Happiness
AUTHOR: Forrest Hanson ADDED: [2020-12-13] AMAZON:
1.9.64. A Liberated Mind: How to Pivot Toward What Matters
AUTHOR: Steven C. Hayes PhD ADDED: [2020-12-13] AMAZON:
1.9.65. Emotional Agility: Get Unstuck, Embrace Change, and Thrive in Work and Life
AUTHOR: Susan David ADDED: [2020-12-13] AMAZON:
1.9.66. READ On Writing Well: The Classic Guide to Writing Nonfiction
AUTHOR: William Zinsser ADDED: [2020-10-11] GOODREADS:
1.9.67. The Best Service Is No Service: How to Liberate Your Customers from Customer Service, Keep Them Happy, and Control Costs
AUTHOR: Bill Price, David Jaffe ADDED: [2020-09-27] GOODREADS:
1.9.68. The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership: Follow Them and People Will Follow You
AUTHOR: John C. Maxwell, Zig Ziglar ADDED: [2020-09-27] GOODREADS:
1.9.69. Democratizing Innovation
AUTHOR: Eric Von Hippel ADDED: [2020-09-27] AMAZON:
1.9.70. READ How to Win Friends and Influence People
AUTHOR: Dale Carnegie ADDED: [2020-09-27] GOODREADS:
1.9.71. READ Shape Up: Stop Running in Circles and Ship Work that Matters
AUTHOR: Ryan Singer, Jason Fried ADDED: [2020-06-02] GOODREADS:
This is a nice little book. Sort of does rebranding of a few concepts but overall nice.
1.9.72. READ Notebooks of the Mind : Explorations of Thinking
AUTHOR: Vera John-Steiner ADDED: [2020-04-04] AMAZON:
This is a nice book but I felt it could have been made much shorter and more to the point. Many times, I found repetitions of quotes or concepts which weren't really needed.
1.9.73. READ Guide to Managerial Communication: Effective Business Writing and Speaking
AUTHOR: Mary M. Munter ADDED: [2020-03-31] AMAZON:
1.9.74. The Mind and Heart of the Negotiator (5th Edition)
AUTHOR: Leigh Thompson ADDED: [2020-03-29] AMAZON:
1.9.75. The Fifth Discipline: The Art & Practice of The Learning Organization
AUTHOR: Peter M. Senge ADDED: [2020-03-29] AMAZON:
1.9.76. READ Cybertext: Perspectives on Ergodic Literature
AUTHOR: Espen J. Aarseth ADDED: [2019-12-10] GOODREADS:
Cybertext explores literature beyond the traditional linear book format. At first glance it might signify recent technological upgrades in the medium but it's not only that.
I don't think I understand or agree with everything. For example Aarseth talks about web publishing in a way where the intention of 'someone' still holds the political upper hand whether the medium is paper or, an apparently liberated, WWW. While this is true to some extent, I am not sure if we can ignore the accessibility aspect completely.
Overall the book explores the relationship and meaning of the classical terms 'author' and 'reader' in different settings. The style is a little different than I am used to but it's a nice read.
1.9.78. Lost in Math: How Beauty Leads Physics Astray
AUTHOR: Sabine Hossenfelder ADDED: [2018-12-07] AMAZON:
1.9.79. READ The Cultural Logic of Computation
AUTHOR: David Golumbia ADDED: [2018-11-15] GOODREADS:
A bit on the academic side. It would have helped if I had better background about the various -ism words used but in any case this book provided a lot of food for thought.
The core idea which is shared by almost all the sections/chapters is that computationalism is just a scaled up version of rationality and it hasn't really, at least yet, improved (the usual meaning, democracy, equality etc.) the underlying political structure of our society contrary to how the whole system is advertised. More than just being another technology though, computers come very close to and almost satisfy the vision of a crude, mechanistic and individualistic explanation of everything. The approximation errors this time, as compared to other technological shifts, are badly misread and the consequences are more severe.
1.9.80. Fashion, Faith, and Fantasy in the New Physics of the Universe
AUTHOR: Roger Penrose ADDED: [2018-11-15] AMAZON:
1.9.81. Democracy's Schools: The Rise of Public Education in America (How Things Worked)
AUTHOR: ADDED: <2018-07-01> AMAZON:
1.9.82. The Known Citizen: A History of Privacy in Modern America
AUTHOR: Sarah E. Igo ADDED: <2018-07-01> AMAZON:
1.9.83. From Bacteria to Bach and Back: The Evolution of Minds
AUTHOR: Daniel C. Dennett ADDED: <2018-02-08> GOODREADS:
1.9.84. READ The Black Swan: The Impact of the Highly Improbable (Incerto #2)
AUTHOR: Nassim Nicholas Taleb ADDED: <2017-10-03> GOODREADS:
The Incerto series is something I have been meaning to read for quite some time now but, after reading this one, have decided to not read the rest.
While the idea here were good (I have had my own love story with complexity theory and similar concepts that break down the 'normal'-ness), I didn't much enjoy the book which felt to me written like a huge rant with more frustration than actual substance. This doesn't say that NNT's concepts don't have that much substance, but that this book was not very solid IMO. Instead of reading the other books, I would try getting hands on some more dense resources around those concepts.
1.9.86. READ The Noonday Demon: An Atlas of Depression
AUTHOR: Andrew Solomon ADDED: <2017-08-08> GOODREADS:
A rather big book. Hard to go through in one go. Less because of the number of pages (~500 main body), more due to the intensity of content.
Not the most enjoyable read, but an important one.
1.9.87. The Song Of The Dodo: Island Biogeography In An Age Of Extinctions
AUTHOR: David Quammen ADDED: <2017-08-08> GOODREADS:
1.9.88. Thinking, Fast and Slow
AUTHOR: Daniel Kahneman ADDED: <2017-08-08> GOODREADS:
1.9.89. The Emperor of All Maladies: A Biography of Cancer
AUTHOR: Siddhartha Mukherjee ADDED: <2017-08-08> GOODREADS:
1.9.90. The Science of Fear: How the Culture of Fear Manipulates Your Brain
AUTHOR: Daniel Gardner ADDED: <2017-07-27> AMAZON:
1.9.91. Through the Language Glass: Why the World Looks Different in Other Languages
AUTHOR: Guy Deutscher ADDED: <2017-07-04> AMAZON:
1.9.92. Soul Made Flesh: The Discovery of the Brain–and How it Changed the World
AUTHOR: Carl Zimmer ADDED: <2017-06-28> AMAZON:
1.9.93. The Grid: Electrical Infrastructure for a New Era
AUTHOR: Gretchen Bakke ADDED: <2017-06-21> GOODREADS:
1.9.94. The Fever: How Malaria Has Ruled Humankind for 500,000 Years
AUTHOR: Sonia Shah ADDED: <2017-06-21> GOODREADS:
1.9.95. House on Fire: The Fight to Eradicate Smallpox
AUTHOR: William H. Foege ADDED: <2017-06-21> GOODREADS:
1.9.96. Infections and Inequalities: The Modern Plagues
AUTHOR: Paul Farmer ADDED: <2017-06-21> GOODREADS:
1.9.97. Homo Deus: A Brief History of Tomorrow
AUTHOR: Yuval Noah Harari ADDED: <2017-06-21> GOODREADS:
1.9.98. Sustainable Materials - With Both Eyes Open
AUTHOR: Julian M. Allwood, Jonathan M. Cullen ADDED: <2017-06-21> GOODREADS:
1.9.99. Engines of Creation: The Coming Era of Nanotechnology
AUTHOR: K. Eric Drexler, Marvin Minsky ADDED: <2017-06-09> GOODREADS:
1.9.100. Relativity Visualized: The Gold Nugget of Relativity Books
AUTHOR: Lewis Carroll Epstein ADDED: <2017-06-09> GOODREADS:
1.9.101. The Machinery of Life
AUTHOR: David S. Goodsell ADDED: <2017-06-09> GOODREADS:
1.9.102. Diagrammatica: The Path to Feynman Diagrams (Cambridge Lecture Notes in Physics)
AUTHOR: Martinus Veltman ADDED: <2017-09-12> GOODREADS:
1.9.103. Mastering the Techniques of Teaching
AUTHOR: ADDED: <2018-01-11> AMAZON:
1.9.104. Schooling In Capitalist America: Educational Reform And The Contradictions Of Economic Life
AUTHOR: ADDED: <2017-12-27> AMAZON:
1.9.105. The Idea of India
AUTHOR: Sunil Khilnani ADDED: <2017-09-29> GOODREADS:
1.9.106. The Annihilation of Caste
AUTHOR: B.R. Ambedkar ADDED: <2017-09-29> GOODREADS:
1.9.107. READ The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck: A Counterintuitive Approach to Living a Good Life
AUTHOR: Mark Manson ADDED: <2017-09-04> GOODREADS:
Here is a thing about self help books. You might not agree with them completely and/or they might not present solid backing for all they say, but they do help by letting you think about ideas you could not have thought much about otherwise.
This particular book is a neat example. I bet it is like (in spite of the presentation, which brought me to read it) other similar books in the genre. That means it fits into my earlier paragraph's argument and I wouldn't strongly recommend this specific book but would recommend reading/thinking about the topics it touches.
1.9.108. Hammer of the Gods: The Led Zeppelin Saga
AUTHOR: ADDED: <2017-08-31> AMAZON:
1.9.109. READ Deep Work: Rules for Focused Success in a Distracted World
AUTHOR: ADDED: <2017-08-23> AMAZON:
As I probably said earlier, self help books usually tend to work. I needed a reminder to get back to my pre undergrad flow (yes; I wasted around 4 + 2 years) and got that here. Nothing that you can't get anywhere else, but this might work also.
1.9.110. Forces of Habit: Drugs and the Making of the Modern World
AUTHOR: David T. Courtwright ADDED: <2017-08-08> GOODREADS:
1.9.111. Inside Terrorism (Columbia Studies in Terrorism and Irregular Warfare)
AUTHOR: Bruce Hoffman ADDED: <2017-08-08> GOODREADS:
1.9.112. King Leopold's Ghost
AUTHOR: Adam Hochschild ADDED: <2017-08-08> GOODREADS:
1.9.113. The Organization Man
AUTHOR: William H. Whyte, Joseph Nocera ADDED: <2017-07-25> AMAZON:
1.9.114. Striking Thoughts: Bruce Lee's Wisdom for Daily Living
AUTHOR: Bruce Lee, John Little ADDED: <2017-06-12> GOODREADS:
1.9.115. Beyond Boredom and Anxiety: Experiencing Flow in Work and Play
AUTHOR: Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi ADDED: <2017-06-09> GOODREADS:
1.9.116. Language and Species
AUTHOR: Derek Bickerton ADDED: <2017-06-09> GOODREADS:
1.9.117. The Secret of Childhood
AUTHOR: Maria Montessori ADDED: <2017-06-09> GOODREADS:
1.9.118. Instead of Education: Ways to Help People Do Things Better
AUTHOR: John Holt ADDED: <2017-06-09> GOODREADS:
1.9.119. Lateral Thinking
AUTHOR: Edward de Bono ADDED: <2017-06-09> GOODREADS:
1.9.120. Toward a Theory of Instruction
AUTHOR: Jerome Bruner ADDED: <2017-06-09> GOODREADS:
1.9.121. To Understand Is to Invent
AUTHOR: Jean Piaget ADDED: <2017-06-09> GOODREADS:
1.9.122. The Psychology of the Child
AUTHOR: Jean Piaget, Bärbel Inhelder, Helen Weaver ADDED: <2017-06-09> GOODREADS:
1.9.123. The Gutenberg Galaxy: The Making of Typographic Man
AUTHOR: Marshall McLuhan ADDED: <2017-06-09> GOODREADS:
1.9.124. Conscientious Objections: Stirring Up Trouble About Language, Technology and Education
AUTHOR: Neil Postman ADDED: <2017-06-09> GOODREADS:
1.9.125. Technology, Management and Society
AUTHOR: Peter F. Drucker ADDED: <2017-06-09> GOODREADS:
1.9.126. How to Watch TV News
AUTHOR: Neil Postman, Steve Powers ADDED: <2017-06-09> GOODREADS:
1.9.127. Amusing Ourselves to Death: Public Discourse in the Age of Show Business
AUTHOR: Neil Postman, Andrew Postman ADDED: <2017-06-09> GOODREADS:
1.9.128. David and Goliath: Underdogs, Misfits, and the Art of Battling Giants
AUTHOR: Malcolm Gladwell ADDED: <2017-06-02> GOODREADS:
1.9.129. Outliers: The Story of Success
AUTHOR: Malcolm Gladwell ADDED: <2017-06-02> GOODREADS:
1.9.130. Emblems of Mind: The Inner Life of Music and Mathematics
AUTHOR: Edward Rothstein ADDED: <2017-05-25> GOODREADS:
1.9.131. Science Tales
AUTHOR: Darryl Cunningham ADDED: <2017-06-04> GOODREADS:
1.9.132. The Cathedral & the Bazaar: Musings on Linux and Open Source by an Accidental Revolutionary
AUTHOR: Eric S. Raymond, Bob Young ADDED: <2017-05-01> GOODREADS:
1.9.133. No Place to Hide: Edward Snowden, the NSA, and the U.S. Surveillance State
AUTHOR: Glenn Greenwald ADDED: <2017-03-21> GOODREADS:
1.9.134. This Changes Everything: Capitalism vs. The Climate
AUTHOR: Naomi Klein ADDED: <2017-03-11> GOODREADS:
1.9.135. The Bottom Billion: Why the Poorest Countries Are Failing and What Can Be Done About It
AUTHOR: Paul Collier ADDED: <2017-03-03> GOODREADS:
1.9.136. Broca's Brain: Reflections on the Romance of Science
AUTHOR: Carl Sagan ADDED: <2017-02-23> GOODREADS:
1.9.137. The School and Society/The Child and the Curriculum
AUTHOR: John Dewey, Philip W. Jackson ADDED: <2017-02-23> GOODREADS:
1.9.138. The Disappearance of Childhood
AUTHOR: Neil Postman ADDED: <2017-02-23> GOODREADS:
1.9.139. Understanding Media: The Extensions of Man
AUTHOR: Marshall McLuhan, Lewis H. Lapham ADDED: <2017-02-23> GOODREADS:
1.9.140. The Dictator's Handbook: Why Bad Behavior is Almost Always Good Politics
AUTHOR: Bruce Bueno De Mesquita, Alastair Smith ADDED: <2017-02-19> GOODREADS:
1.9.141. Gratitude
AUTHOR: Oliver Sacks ADDED: <2017-02-18> GOODREADS:
1.9.142. Lost Woods: The Discovered Writing of Rachel Carson
AUTHOR: Rachel Carson, Linda Lear ADDED: <2017-02-18> GOODREADS:
1.9.143. The Sense of Wonder
AUTHOR: Rachel Carson, Charles Pratt, Nick Kelsh, Linda Lear ADDED: <2017-02-18> GOODREADS:
1.9.144. Always, Rachel: The Letters of Rachel Carson and Dorothy Freeman 1952-64-The Story of a Remarkable Friendship (Concord Library)
AUTHOR: Rachel Carson, Dorothy Freeman, Martha E. Freeman, Paul Brooks ADDED: <2017-02-18> GOODREADS:
1.9.145. The Sea Around Us
AUTHOR: Rachel Carson, Ann H. Zwinger ADDED: <2017-02-18> GOODREADS:
1.9.146. I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings
AUTHOR: Maya Angelou ADDED: <2017-01-28> GOODREADS:
1.9.147. Full House: The Spread of Excellence from Plato to Darwin
AUTHOR: Stephen Jay Gould ADDED: <2017-01-28> GOODREADS:
1.9.148. Spook: Science Tackles the Afterlife
AUTHOR: Mary Roach ADDED: <2017-01-28> GOODREADS:
1.9.149. Idiot America: How Stupidity Became a Virtue in the Land of the Free
AUTHOR: Charles P. Pierce ADDED: <2017-01-09> GOODREADS:
1.9.150. The Idea Factory: Bell Labs and the Great Age of American Innovation
AUTHOR: Jon Gertner ADDED: <2017-01-02> GOODREADS:
1.9.151. Strangers in Their Own Land: Anger and Mourning on the American Right
AUTHOR: Arlie Russell Hochschild ADDED: <2017-01-02> GOODREADS:
1.9.152. A Mathematician's Lament: How School Cheats Us Out of Our Most Fascinating and Imaginative Art Form
AUTHOR: Paul Lockhart, Keith J. Devlin ADDED: <2016-12-29> GOODREADS:
1.9.153. Black Hole Blues and Other Songs from Outer Space
AUTHOR: Janna Levin ADDED: <2016-12-15> GOODREADS:
1.9.154. The View from the Cheap Seats: Selected Nonfiction
AUTHOR: Neil Gaiman ADDED: <2016-12-15> GOODREADS:
1.9.155. Unforbidden Pleasures
AUTHOR: Adam Phillips ADDED: <2016-12-15> GOODREADS:
1.9.156. Anger and Forgiveness: Resentment, Generosity, Justice
AUTHOR: Martha C. Nussbaum ADDED: <2016-12-15> GOODREADS:
1.9.157. Hold Still: A Memoir with Photographs
AUTHOR: Sally Mann ADDED: <2016-12-15> GOODREADS:
1.9.158. The Abundance: Narrative Essays Old and New
AUTHOR: Annie Dillard ADDED: <2016-12-15> GOODREADS:
1.9.159. Becoming Wise: An Inquiry into the Mystery and Art of Living
AUTHOR: Krista Tippett ADDED: <2016-12-15> GOODREADS:
1.9.161. When Breath Becomes Air
AUTHOR: Paul Kalanithi, Abraham Verghese ADDED: <2016-12-15> GOODREADS:
1.9.162. Pinocchio: The Origin Story
AUTHOR: Alessandro Sanna ADDED: <2016-12-15> GOODREADS:
1.9.163. READ Upstream: Selected Essays
AUTHOR: Mary Oliver ADDED: <2016-12-15> GOODREADS:
1.9.164. Consider the Lobster and Other Essays
AUTHOR: David Foster Wallace ADDED: <2016-12-15> GOODREADS:
1.9.165. How to Get Control of Your Time and Your Life
AUTHOR: Alan Lakein ADDED: <2016-12-15> GOODREADS:
1.9.166. READ Daily Rituals: How Artists Work
AUTHOR: Mason Currey ADDED: <2016-12-15> GOODREADS:
1.9.167. Disturbing the Universe
AUTHOR: Freeman Dyson ADDED: <2016-12-15> GOODREADS:
1.9.168. READ Advice To A Young Scientist
AUTHOR: Peter Medawar ADDED: <2016-12-15> GOODREADS:
A really pragmatic perspective on research. Short and well written.
1.9.169. Blitzed: Drugs in Nazi Germany
AUTHOR: Norman Ohler, Shaun Whiteside ADDED: <2016-12-09> GOODREADS:
1.9.170. Time Travel: A History
AUTHOR: James Gleick ADDED: <2016-12-07> GOODREADS:
1.9.171. Felt Time: The Psychology of How We Perceive Time (MIT Press)
AUTHOR: Marc Wittmann, Erik Butler ADDED: <2016-12-07> GOODREADS:
1.9.173. The Big Picture: On the Origins of Life, Meaning, and the Universe Itself
AUTHOR: Sean Carroll ADDED: <2016-12-07> GOODREADS:
1.9.174. Silence
AUTHOR: John Biguenet ADDED: <2016-12-06> GOODREADS:
1.9.175. Dust
AUTHOR: Michael Marder ADDED: <2016-12-06> GOODREADS:
1.9.176. I Contain Multitudes: The Microbes Within Us and a Grander View of Life
AUTHOR: Ed Yong ADDED: <2016-12-06> GOODREADS:
1.9.177. Seven Brief Lessons on Physics
AUTHOR: Carlo Rovelli, Simon Carnell, Erica Segre ADDED: <2016-12-06> GOODREADS:
1.9.178. Originals: How Non-Conformists Move the World
AUTHOR: Adam M. Grant ADDED: <2016-12-06> GOODREADS:
1.9.179. Utopia for Realists: The Case for a Universal Basic Income, Open Borders, and a 15-hour Workweek
AUTHOR: Rutger Bregman, Elizabeth Manton ADDED: <2016-12-06> GOODREADS:
1.9.180. The Speed of Sound: Breaking the Barriers Between Music and Technology: A Memoir
AUTHOR: Thomas Dolby ADDED: <2016-12-06> GOODREADS:
1.9.181. The Gene: An Intimate History
AUTHOR: Siddhartha Mukherjee ADDED: <2016-12-06> GOODREADS:
1.9.182. Landmarks
AUTHOR: Robert Macfarlane ADDED: <2016-12-06> GOODREADS:
1.9.183. Urban Forests: A Natural History of Trees in the American Cityscape
AUTHOR: Jill Jonnes ADDED: <2016-12-06> GOODREADS:
1.9.184. The Lonely City: Adventures in the Art of Being Alone
AUTHOR: Olivia Laing ADDED: <2016-12-01> GOODREADS:
1.9.185. Our Revolution: A Future to Believe In
AUTHOR: Bernie Sanders ADDED: <2016-11-30> GOODREADS:
1.9.186. India After Gandhi: The History of the World's Largest Democracy
AUTHOR: Ramachandra Guha ADDED: <2016-11-28> GOODREADS:
1.9.187. The Elements: A Very Short Introduction
AUTHOR: Philip Ball ADDED: <2016-11-19> GOODREADS:
1.9.188. The Devil's Doctor: Paracelsus and the World of Renaissance Magic and Science
AUTHOR: Philip Ball, Paracelsus, Cornelius Agrippa ADDED: <2016-11-19> GOODREADS:
1.9.189. Serving the Reich: The Struggle for the Soul of Physics under Hitler
AUTHOR: Philip Ball ADDED: <2016-11-19> GOODREADS:
1.9.191. READ Why Greatness Cannot Be Planned: The Myth of the Objective
AUTHOR: Kenneth O. Stanley, Joel Lehman ADDED: <2016-10-23> GOODREADS:
1.9.192. Chaos Monkeys: Obscene Fortune and Random Failure in Silicon Valley
AUTHOR: Antonio Garcia Martinez ADDED: <2016-10-14> GOODREADS:
1.9.193. READ Weapons of Math Destruction: How Big Data Increases Inequality and Threatens Democracy
AUTHOR: Cathy O'Neil ADDED: <2016-10-05> GOODREADS:
For many it might just be a confirming nod to what they know about Big data in general, but is a good read nevertheless. Overall, it ties 'data science' with its responsibilities. Responsibilities which demands greater care and openness than assumed in the present unconstrained Big data buzz.
1.9.194. Consciousness and the Brain: Deciphering How the Brain Codes Our Thoughts
AUTHOR: Stanislas Dehaene ADDED: <2016-09-23> GOODREADS:
1.9.195. Making Truth: METAPHOR IN SCIENCE
AUTHOR: Theodore L. Brown ADDED: <2016-09-23> GOODREADS:
1.9.196. Everything and More: A Compact History of Infinity
AUTHOR: David Foster Wallace ADDED: <2016-09-23> GOODREADS:
1.9.197. You Are Not a Gadget
AUTHOR: Jaron Lanier ADDED: <2016-09-15> GOODREADS:
1.9.198. READ Logicomix: An epic search for truth
AUTHOR: Apostolos Doxiadis, Christos H. Papadimitriou, Alecos Papadatos, Annie Di Donna ADDED: <2016-09-06> GOODREADS:
There are two comments I would like to make here:
- Probably we can tone down the mad genius thing a little bit. I am, of course, not sure if the mad genius idea is true but I felt like it was implied very literally here without being actually needed. From what I have perceived in life, the struggles of conflicting thoughts leading to insanity (or even occasional & innocuous fits) are indifferent to whether you are logician or not. You just need to spend enough time with yourself and it follows pretty directly.
- Putting aside a few things, this is a deep book. I was thinking to just take a glance and ended up reading the whole thing in a sitting. Don't expect to learn much though. This is not a book on logic. It's exactly what its title (or subtitle) says An epic search for truth.
1.9.199. Cults: Faith, Healing and Coercion
AUTHOR: Marc Galanter ADDED: <2016-08-26> GOODREADS:
1.9.200. READ An Illustrated Book of Bad Arguments
AUTHOR: Ali Almossawi, Alejandro Giraldo ADDED: <2016-08-26> GOODREADS:
1.9.201. The Believing Brain: From Ghosts and Gods to Politics and Conspiracies How We Construct Beliefs and Reinforce Them as Truths
AUTHOR: Michael Shermer ADDED: <2016-08-26> GOODREADS:
1.9.202. Why People Believe Weird Things: Pseudoscience, Superstition, and Other Confusions of Our Time
AUTHOR: Michael Shermer, Stephen Jay Gould ADDED: <2016-08-26> GOODREADS:
1.9.203. I Think You'll Find it's a Bit More Complicated Than That
AUTHOR: Ben Goldacre ADDED: <2016-08-26> GOODREADS:
1.9.204. Bad Pharma: How Drug Companies Mislead Doctors and Harm Patients
AUTHOR: Ben Goldacre ADDED: <2016-08-26> GOODREADS:
1.9.205. READ The Psychopath Code: Cracking The Predators That Stalk Us
AUTHOR: Pieter Hintjens ADDED: <2016-08-23> GOODREADS:
I guess this one is supposed to be read like blog posts since a lot of the ideas are not very scientific. The basic thesis is that there is a set of evolutionary adapted traits which are helpful if you are trying to cheat in a social species and such traits are what make psychopaths. The question about the degree of coverage is something I am not very sure about.
A few general points which I feel are okay to take away:
- Psychopaths have a limited set of true emotions.
- Their emotional (mimicking) costs are nil so they have a lot of manipulative power.
- They are very practical and thus very different from the run of the mill psychopaths shown in popular media. The difference is important since this defines the type of attacks you can expect.
- Counter attacks need well thought out plans since they will mostly beat you in unplanned arguments involving a third party's judgement.
Overall this is a pretty opinionated take on the topic. There are a few nice ideas that can help you put things into perspective and understand similar situations in a better way. I can't really say a lot since I don't know enough to put proper refutations.
1.9.206. Fads and Fallacies in the Name of Science
AUTHOR: Martin Gardner ADDED: <2016-08-15> GOODREADS:
1.9.207. READ The Physics of Star Trek
AUTHOR: Lawrence M. Krauss, Stephen Hawking ADDED: <2016-06-25> GOODREADS:
1.9.208. READ A Mathematician's Apology
AUTHOR: G.H. Hardy ADDED: <2016-05-19> GOODREADS:
1.9.209. Nonrequired Reading
AUTHOR: Wisława Szymborska, Clare Cavanagh ADDED: <2016-04-29> GOODREADS:
1.9.210. Machete Season: The Killers in Rwanda Speak
AUTHOR: Jean Hatzfeld, Linda Coverdale, Susan Sontag ADDED: <2016-04-25> GOODREADS:
1.9.211. The Journalist and the Murderer
AUTHOR: Janet Malcolm, Ian Jack ADDED: <2016-04-25> GOODREADS:
1.9.212. Superintelligence: Paths, Dangers, Strategies
AUTHOR: Nick Bostrom ADDED: <2016-04-25> GOODREADS:
1.9.213. No Logo
AUTHOR: Naomi Klein ADDED: <2016-04-05> GOODREADS:
1.9.214. Birthday Letters
AUTHOR: Ted Hughes ADDED: <2016-04-05> GOODREADS:
1.9.215. Dreams from My Father: A Story of Race and Inheritance
AUTHOR: Barack Obama ADDED: <2016-04-05> GOODREADS:
1.9.216. The Right Stuff
AUTHOR: Tom Wolfe ADDED: <2016-04-05> GOODREADS:
1.9.217. Dispatches
AUTHOR: Michael Herr ADDED: <2016-04-05> GOODREADS:
1.9.218. The Five Ages of the Universe: Inside the Physics of Eternity
AUTHOR: Fred Adams, Greg Laughlin ADDED: <2016-04-01> GOODREADS:
1.9.219. READ The Pleasure Instinct: Why We Crave Adventure, Chocolate, Pheromones, and Music
AUTHOR: Gene Wallenstein ADDED: <2016-03-27> GOODREADS:
1.9.220. The Closing of the American Mind
AUTHOR: Allan Bloom ADDED: <2016-03-22> GOODREADS:
1.9.221. Future Shock
AUTHOR: Alvin Toffler ADDED: <2016-03-19> GOODREADS:
1.9.222. Turtles, Termites, and Traffic Jams: Explorations in Massively Parallel Microworlds
AUTHOR: Mitchel Resnick ADDED: <2016-03-19> GOODREADS:
1.9.223. READ The Nature of Code
AUTHOR: Daniel Shiffman ADDED: <2016-03-19> GOODREADS:
1.9.224. READ The Meaning of It All: Thoughts of a Citizen-Scientist
AUTHOR: Richard Feynman ADDED: <2016-03-04> GOODREADS:
1.9.225. Why Don't Penguins' Feet Freeze?: And 114 Other Questions
AUTHOR: Mick O'Hare ADDED: <2016-02-27> GOODREADS:
1.9.226. Excellent Sheep: The Miseducation of the American Elite and the Way to a Meaningful Life
AUTHOR: William Deresiewicz ADDED: <2016-02-22> GOODREADS:
1.9.227. READ The Society of Mind
AUTHOR: Marvin Minsky ADDED: <2016-01-26> GOODREADS:
Took a lot longer than I expected. The structure is pretty similar to 'I Am a Strange Loop'. Lots of sections and subsections. A bit too many to keep things coherent specially when you keep going off and on (though I am not sure which way the causality goes here). Anyway, a lot of the major ideas from the book are popularly known these days so it's hard to recommend as such. Though here is a line somewhere from the ending that helps in looking at this:
…this book should be read less as a text of scientific scholarship and more as an adventure story for the imagination.
1.9.228. Reinventing Discovery: The New Era of Networked Science
AUTHOR: Michael Nielsen ADDED: <2016-01-18> GOODREADS:
1.9.229. Flour Water Salt Yeast: The Fundamentals of Artisan Bread and Pizza
AUTHOR: Ken Forkish ADDED: <2016-01-18> GOODREADS:
1.9.230. Tambora: The Eruption That Changed the World
AUTHOR: Gillen D'Arcy Wood ADDED: <2015-12-31> GOODREADS:
1.9.231. Reckoning with Risk: Learning to Live with Uncertainty
AUTHOR: Gerd Gigerenzer ADDED: <2015-12-20> GOODREADS:
1.9.232. How to Read a Paper: The Basics of Evidence-Based Medicine
AUTHOR: Trisha Greenhalgh ADDED: <2015-12-20> GOODREADS:
1.9.233. READ Bad Science: Quacks, Hacks, and Big Pharma Flacks
AUTHOR: Ben Goldacre ADDED: <2015-12-12> GOODREADS:
1.9.234. Micromotives and Macrobehavior
AUTHOR: Thomas C. Schelling ADDED: <2015-12-12> GOODREADS:
1.9.235. The Big Sort: Why the Clustering of Like-Minded America is Tearing Us Apart
AUTHOR: Bill Bishop ADDED: <2015-12-12> GOODREADS:
1.9.236. Desert Solitaire
AUTHOR: Edward Abbey ADDED: <2015-12-05> GOODREADS:
1.9.237. A Sand County Almanac and Sketches Here and There
AUTHOR: Aldo Leopold ADDED: <2015-11-29> GOODREADS:
1.9.238. Jihad Academy: The Rise of Islamic State
AUTHOR: Nicolas Hénin, Martin Makinson ADDED: <2015-11-17> GOODREADS:
1.9.239. Flatterland: Like Flatland Only More So
AUTHOR: Ian Stewart ADDED: <2015-11-15> GOODREADS:
1.9.240. READ The Human Use Of Human Beings: Cybernetics And Society
AUTHOR: Norbert Wiener ADDED: <2015-11-06> GOODREADS:
1.9.241. Cybernetics: or the Control and Communication in the Animal and the Machine
AUTHOR: Norbert Wiener ADDED: <2015-11-06> GOODREADS:
1.9.242. Biophilia
AUTHOR: Christopher Marley ADDED: <2015-10-27> GOODREADS:
1.9.243. The Invention of Clouds
AUTHOR: Richard Hamblyn ADDED: <2015-10-27> GOODREADS:
1.9.244. How to Teach Quantum Physics to Your Dog
AUTHOR: Chad Orzel ADDED: <2015-10-27> GOODREADS:
1.9.245. The World Without Us
AUTHOR: Alan Weisman ADDED: <2015-10-22> GOODREADS:
1.9.246. The Tipping Point: How Little Things Can Make a Big Difference
AUTHOR: Malcolm Gladwell ADDED: <2015-10-21> GOODREADS:
1.9.247. It's Not News, It's Fark: How Mass Media Tries to Pass Off Crap As News
AUTHOR: Drew Curtis ADDED: <2015-10-21> GOODREADS:
1.9.248. The Age of Wonder: How the Romantic Generation Discovered the Beauty and Terror of Science
AUTHOR: Richard Holmes ADDED: <2015-10-19> GOODREADS:
1.9.249. READ Musicophilia: Tales of Music and the Brain
AUTHOR: Oliver Sacks ADDED: <2015-10-06> GOODREADS:
1.9.250. The Story of Alice: Lewis Carroll and the Secret History of Wonderland
AUTHOR: Robert Douglas-Fairhurst ADDED: <2015-09-24> GOODREADS:
1.9.251. READ How Music Got Free: The End of an Industry, the Turn of the Century, and the Patient Zero of Piracy
AUTHOR: Stephen Witt ADDED: <2015-09-24> GOODREADS:
It wasn't in my high priority to-read list, but I started and didn't stop till it was over. Exactly the way I wanted the piracy story to be told.
1.9.252. READ The Master Algorithm: How the Quest for the Ultimate Learning Machine Will Remake Our World
AUTHOR: Pedro Domingos ADDED: <2015-09-17> GOODREADS:
1.9.253. Moneyball: The Art of Winning an Unfair Game
AUTHOR: Michael Lewis ADDED: <2015-09-06> GOODREADS:
1.9.254. Field Notes from a Catastrophe: Man, Nature, and Climate Change
AUTHOR: Elizabeth Kolbert ADDED: <2015-09-06> GOODREADS:
1.9.255. Under a Green Sky: Global Warming, the Mass Extinctions of the Past, and What They Can Tell Us About Our Future
AUTHOR: Peter D. Ward ADDED: <2015-09-01> GOODREADS:
1.9.256. READ The End of Night: Searching for Natural Darkness in an Age of Artificial Light
AUTHOR: Paul Bogard ADDED: <2015-08-17> GOODREADS:
1.9.257. Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality
AUTHOR: Eliezer Yudkowsky ADDED: <2015-08-14> GOODREADS:
1.9.258. READ Thing Explainer: Complicated Stuff in Simple Words
AUTHOR: Randall Munroe ADDED: <2015-07-30> GOODREADS:
1.9.259. Gaia: A New Look at Life on Earth
AUTHOR: James E. Lovelock ADDED: <2015-07-06> GOODREADS:
1.9.260. The Mismeasure of Man
AUTHOR: Stephen Jay Gould ADDED: <2015-07-06> GOODREADS:
1.9.261. This Explains Everything: Deep, Beautiful, and Elegant Theories of How the World Works
AUTHOR: John Brockman, Susan Blackmore, Rebecca Goldstein, James J. O'Donnell, Paul J. Steinhardt, Shing-Tung Yau, Frank Wilczek, Thomas Metzinger, Sean Carroll, Steven Pinker, Jonathan Gottschall, David G. Myers, Matt Ridley, Armand Marie Leroi, Gerd Gigerenzer, Martin J. Rees, Richard Dawkins, Scott Atran, Carlo Rovelli, Aubrey de Grey, Leonard Susskind, Joel Gold, Alan Alda, Anton Zeilinger, Jeremy Bernstein, Andrei D. Linde, George Dyson, Max Tegmark, Gino Segrè, Freeman Dyson, Satyajit Das, Haim Harari, Robert R. Provine, V.S. Ramachandran, David M. Eagleman, Mahzarin Banaji, Robert M. Sapolsky, Richard H. Thaler, Jennifer Jacquet, Judith Rich Harris, Dan Sperber, Clay Shirky, Hugo Mercier, Stewart Brand, Kevin P. Hand, Paul Saffo, Daniel C. Dennett, Carl Zimmer, David M. Buss, A.C. Grayling, Howard Gardner ADDED: <2015-06-13> GOODREADS:
1.9.262. READ Fortune's Formula: The Untold Story of the Scientific Betting System That Beat the Casinos and Wall Street
AUTHOR: William Poundstone ADDED: <2015-06-11> GOODREADS:
1.9.263. READ Culture & Empire: Digital Revolution
AUTHOR: Pieter Hintjens ADDED: <2015-06-09> GOODREADS:
1.9.264. The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind
AUTHOR: Julian Jaynes ADDED: <2015-06-03> GOODREADS:
1.9.265. The Joy of Pain: Schadenfreude and the Dark Side of Human Nature
AUTHOR: Richard H. Smith ADDED: <2015-05-31> GOODREADS:
1.9.266. Zero to One: Notes on Startups, or How to Build the Future
AUTHOR: Peter Thiel, Blake Masters ADDED: <2015-05-15> GOODREADS:
1.9.267. READ The Hard Thing About Hard Things: Building a Business When There Are No Easy Answers
AUTHOR: Ben Horowitz ADDED: <2015-05-15> GOODREADS:
1.9.268. READ Oaxaca Journal
AUTHOR: Oliver Sacks ADDED: <2015-05-09> GOODREADS:
1.9.269. READ What If?: Serious Scientific Answers to Absurd Hypothetical Questions
AUTHOR: Randall Munroe ADDED: <2015-05-01> GOODREADS:
1.9.271. Einstein's Dice and Schrödinger's Cat: How Two Great Minds Battled Quantum Randomness to Create a Unified Theory of Physics
AUTHOR: Paul Halpern ADDED: <2015-04-22> GOODREADS:
1.9.272. The Antidote: Happiness for People Who Can't Stand Positive Thinking
AUTHOR: Oliver Burkeman ADDED: <2015-04-21> GOODREADS:
1.9.273. Against Happiness: In Praise of Melancholy
AUTHOR: Eric G. Wilson ADDED: <2015-04-21> GOODREADS:
1.9.274. Drunk Tank Pink: And Other Unexpected Forces that Shape How We Think, Feel, and Behave
AUTHOR: Adam Alter ADDED: <2015-04-21> GOODREADS:
1.9.276. Music, Ways Of Listening
AUTHOR: Elliott Schwartz ADDED: <2015-04-18> GOODREADS:
1.9.277. American Prometheus: The Triumph and Tragedy of J. Robert Oppenheimer
AUTHOR: Kai Bird, Martin J. Sherwin ADDED: <2015-04-08> GOODREADS:
1.9.278. The Oldest Living Things in the World
AUTHOR: Rachel Sussman, Carl Zimmer, Hans Ulrich Obrist ADDED: <2015-03-23> GOODREADS:
1.9.279. The Tale of the Dueling Neurosurgeons: The History of the Human Brain as Revealed by True Stories of Trauma, Madness, and Recovery
AUTHOR: Sam Kean ADDED: <2015-03-18> GOODREADS:
1.9.280. This Idea Must Die: Scientific Theories That Are Blocking Progress
AUTHOR: John Brockman ADDED: <2015-03-15> GOODREADS:
1.9.281. The Creative Brain: The Science of Genius
AUTHOR: Nancy C. Andreasen ADDED: <2015-03-13> GOODREADS:
1.9.282. Brilliant Blunders: From Darwin to Einstein - Colossal Mistakes by Great Scientists That Changed Our Understanding of Life and the Universe
AUTHOR: Mario Livio ADDED: <2015-03-04> GOODREADS:
1.9.283. The Well of Being: A Children's Book for Adults
AUTHOR: Jean-Pierre Weill ADDED: <2015-03-02> GOODREADS:
1.9.284. Nonzero: The Logic of Human Destiny
AUTHOR: Robert Wright ADDED: <2015-02-26> GOODREADS:
1.9.285. The Moral Animal: Why We Are the Way We Are: The New Science of Evolutionary Psychology
AUTHOR: Robert Wright ADDED: <2015-02-26> GOODREADS:
1.9.286. Alice in Quantumland: An Allegory of Quantum Physics
AUTHOR: Robert Gilmore ADDED: <2015-02-25> GOODREADS:
1.9.287. How to Create a Mind: The Secret of Human Thought Revealed
AUTHOR: Ray Kurzweil ADDED: <2015-02-22> GOODREADS:
1.9.288. Quantum Computing Since Democritus
AUTHOR: Scott Aaronson ADDED: <2015-02-20> GOODREADS:
1.9.289. The Quantum Moment: How Planck, Bohr, Einstein, and Heisenberg Taught Us to Love Uncertainty
AUTHOR: Robert P. Crease, Alfred Scharff Goldhaber ADDED: <2015-02-17> GOODREADS:
1.9.290. Being Mortal: Medicine and What Matters in the End
AUTHOR: Atul Gawande ADDED: <2015-02-16> GOODREADS:
1.9.291. READ The Copernicus Complex: Our Cosmic Significance in a Universe of Planets and Probabilities
AUTHOR: Caleb Scharf ADDED: <2015-02-16> GOODREADS:
1.9.292. Gravity's Engines: How Bubble-Blowing Black Holes Rule Galaxies, Stars, and Life in the Cosmos
AUTHOR: Caleb Scharf ADDED: <2015-02-16> GOODREADS:
1.9.294. Stumbling on Happiness
AUTHOR: Daniel Todd Gilbert ADDED: <2015-02-05> GOODREADS:
1.9.295. Betraying Spinoza: The Renegade Jew Who Gave Us Modernity
AUTHOR: Rebecca Goldstein ADDED: <2015-02-05> GOODREADS:
1.9.296. Hal's Legacy: 2001's Computer as Dream and Reality
AUTHOR: David G. Stork, Arthur C. Clarke ADDED: <2015-02-05> GOODREADS:
1.9.297. READ The Science of Interstellar
AUTHOR: Kip S. Thorne, Christopher J. Nolan ADDED: <2015-02-03> GOODREADS:
1.9.298. The Poisoner's Handbook: Murder and the Birth of Forensic Medicine in Jazz Age New York
AUTHOR: Deborah Blum ADDED: <2015-02-03> GOODREADS:
1.9.299. Beating Back the Devil: On the Front Lines with the Disease Detectives of the Epidemic Intelligence Service
AUTHOR: Maryn McKenna ADDED: <2015-02-03> GOODREADS:
1.9.300. Superbug: The Fatal Menace of MRSA
AUTHOR: Maryn McKenna ADDED: <2015-02-03> GOODREADS:
1.9.301. Mankind Beyond Earth: The History, Science, and Future of Human Space Exploration
AUTHOR: Claude A. Piantadosi ADDED: <2015-02-02> GOODREADS:
1.9.302. The Age of Entanglement: When Quantum Physics Was Reborn
AUTHOR: Louisa Gilder ADDED: <2015-02-02> GOODREADS:
1.9.303. Young Archimedes and Other Stories
AUTHOR: Aldous Huxley ADDED: <2015-02-02> GOODREADS:
1.9.304. The Uses Of The Past: Profiles Of Former Societies
AUTHOR: Herbert Joseph Muller ADDED: <2015-02-02> GOODREADS:
1.9.305. Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds
AUTHOR: Charles Mackay ADDED: <2015-02-02> GOODREADS:
1.9.306. How to Read a Book: The Classic Guide to Intelligent Reading
AUTHOR: Mortimer J. Adler, Charles Van Doren ADDED: <2015-02-01> GOODREADS:
Why am I reading this book? Recently both my reading quality and quantity have gone down. I feel the depth I used to go through for any reading was more before. There are many reasons for that and I don't want to go there in this note. But one strong way of recovery is to do some structured reading. Similar to how to write a thesis, this book seems like covering a certain way of reading deeply. I don't know if the exact approach will work for me but I am hoping to be able to build my own better approach.
1.9.307. The Fourth Paradigm: Data-Intensive Scientific Discovery
AUTHOR: Tony Hey, Stewart Tansley, Kristin Tolle ADDED: <2015-01-30> GOODREADS:
1.9.308. The Intel Trinity: How Robert Noyce, Gordon Moore, and Andy Grove Built the World's Most Important Company
AUTHOR: Michael S. Malone ADDED: <2015-01-30> GOODREADS:
1.9.310. The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat and Other Clinical Tales
AUTHOR: Oliver Sacks ADDED: <2015-01-29> GOODREADS:
1.9.311. The Disappearing Spoon: And Other True Tales of Madness, Love, and the History of the World from the Periodic Table of the Elements
AUTHOR: Sam Kean ADDED: <2015-01-29> GOODREADS:
1.9.312. Dragons of Eden: Speculations on the Evolution of Human Intelligence
AUTHOR: Carl Sagan ADDED: <2015-01-29> GOODREADS:
1.9.313. How the Mind Works
AUTHOR: Steven Pinker ADDED: <2015-01-29> GOODREADS:
1.9.314. Guns, Germs, and Steel: The Fates of Human Societies
AUTHOR: Jared Diamond ADDED: <2015-01-29> GOODREADS:
1.9.315. Pale Blue Dot: A Vision of the Human Future in Space
AUTHOR: Carl Sagan, Ann Druyan ADDED: <2015-01-29> GOODREADS:
1.9.316. READ The Sixth Extinction: An Unnatural History
AUTHOR: Elizabeth Kolbert ADDED: <2015-01-28> GOODREADS:
1.9.317. About Time: Einstein's Unfinished Revolution
AUTHOR: Paul Davies ADDED: <2015-01-28> GOODREADS:
1.9.318. Lonely Hearts of the Cosmos: The Story of the Scientific Quest for the Secret of the Universe
AUTHOR: Dennis Overbye ADDED: <2015-01-28> GOODREADS:
1.9.319. Einstein's Clocks, Poincaré's Maps: Empires of Time
AUTHOR: Peter Galison ADDED: <2015-01-28> GOODREADS:
1.9.320. The Emotion Machine: Commonsense Thinking, Artificial Intelligence, and the Future of the Human Mind
AUTHOR: Marvin Minsky ADDED: <2015-01-28> GOODREADS:
1.9.321. The Accidental Universe: The World You Thought You Knew
AUTHOR: Alan Lightman ADDED: <2015-01-26> GOODREADS:
1.9.322. READ The Character of Physical Law
AUTHOR: Richard Feynman, James Gleick ADDED: <2015-01-23> GOODREADS:
1.9.323. How to Be an Explorer of the World: Portable Life Museum
AUTHOR: Keri Smith ADDED: <2015-01-23> GOODREADS:
1.9.324. How to Avoid Work
AUTHOR: William J. Reilly ADDED: <2015-01-20> GOODREADS:
1.9.325. Power, Sex, Suicide: Mitochondria and the Meaning of Life
AUTHOR: Nick Lane ADDED: <2015-01-19> GOODREADS:
1.9.326. READ The Spark of Life: Electricity in the Human Body
AUTHOR: Frances Ashcroft ADDED: <2015-01-19> GOODREADS:
1.9.327. Speaking And Language: Defence Of Poetry
AUTHOR: Paul Goodman ADDED: <2015-01-18> GOODREADS:
1.9.328. Made in Japan: Akio Morita and Sony
AUTHOR: Akio Morita, Edwin M. Reingold, Mitsuko Shimomura ADDED: <2015-01-18> GOODREADS:
1.9.329. READ Neurocomic
AUTHOR: Hana Ros, Matteo Farinella ADDED: <2015-01-15> GOODREADS:
1.9.330. READ Flim-Flam!
AUTHOR: James Randi, Isaac Asimov ADDED: <2015-01-15> GOODREADS:
1.9.331. Cycles of Time: An Extraordinary New View of the Universe
AUTHOR: Roger Penrose ADDED: <2015-01-15> GOODREADS:
1.9.332. Origins: Fourteen Billion Years of Cosmic Evolution
AUTHOR: Neil deGrasse Tyson, Donald Goldsmith ADDED: <2015-01-15> GOODREADS:
1.9.333. The Inflationary Universe: The Quest for a New Theory of Cosmic Origins
AUTHOR: Alan Guth ADDED: <2015-01-15> GOODREADS:
1.9.334. READ Hackers & Painters: Big Ideas from the Computer Age
AUTHOR: Paul Graham, Allen Noren, Matt Hutchinson ADDED: <2015-01-14> GOODREADS:
1.9.335. The Future of Ideas: The Fate of the Commons in a Connected World
AUTHOR: Lawrence Lessig ADDED: <2015-01-14> GOODREADS:
1.9.336. Connectome: How the Brain's Wiring Makes Us Who We Are
AUTHOR: Sebastian Seung ADDED: <2015-01-13> GOODREADS:
1.9.337. READ Scatter, Adapt, and Remember: How Humans Will Survive a Mass Extinction
AUTHOR: Annalee Newitz ADDED: <2015-01-13> GOODREADS:
1.9.338. One, Two, Three…Infinity: Facts and Speculations of Science
AUTHOR: George Gamow ADDED: <2015-01-12> GOODREADS:
1.9.339. Life on the Edge: The Coming of Age of Quantum Biology
AUTHOR: Johnjoe McFadden, Jim Al-Khalili ADDED: <2015-01-10> GOODREADS:
1.9.340. Zero Time Space: How Quantum Tunneling Broke the Light Speed Barrier
AUTHOR: Günter Nimtz, Astrid Haibel ADDED: <2015-01-09> GOODREADS:
1.9.341. The Checklist Manifesto: How to Get Things Right
AUTHOR: Atul Gawande ADDED: <2015-01-07> GOODREADS:
1.9.342. This Is Your Brain on Music: The Science of a Human Obsession
AUTHOR: Daniel J. Levitin ADDED: <2015-01-07> GOODREADS:
1.9.343. Frankenstein's Cat: Cuddling Up to Biotech's Brave New Beasts
AUTHOR: Emily Anthes ADDED: <2015-01-04> GOODREADS:
1.9.344. Quintessence: The Mystery of Missing Mass in the Universe
AUTHOR: Lawrence M. Krauss ADDED: <2015-01-02> GOODREADS:
1.9.345. The Goldilocks Enigma: Why is the Universe Just Right for Life?
AUTHOR: Paul Davies ADDED: <2015-01-02> GOODREADS:
1.9.346. Not Even Wrong: The Failure of String Theory and the Search for Unity in Physical Law
AUTHOR: Peter Woit ADDED: <2015-01-02> GOODREADS:
1.9.347. Three Roads To Quantum Gravity
AUTHOR: Lee Smolin ADDED: <2014-12-30> GOODREADS:
1.9.348. The Physics of Time Asymmetry
AUTHOR: Paul Davies ADDED: <2014-12-30> GOODREADS:
1.9.349. The Guardian of All Things: The Epic Story of Human Memory
AUTHOR: Michael S. Malone ADDED: <2014-12-24> GOODREADS:
1.9.350. In Search of Time: The Science of a Curious Dimension
AUTHOR: Dan Falk ADDED: <2014-12-24> GOODREADS:
1.9.351. The Information: A History, a Theory, a Flood
AUTHOR: James Gleick ADDED: <2014-12-24> GOODREADS:
1.9.352. Dark Pools: The Rise of Artificially Intelligent Trading Machines and the Looming Threat to Wall Street
AUTHOR: Scott Patterson ADDED: <2014-12-23> GOODREADS:
1.9.353. READ Programming the Universe: A Quantum Computer Scientist Takes on the Cosmos
AUTHOR: Seth Lloyd ADDED: <2014-12-23> GOODREADS:
1.9.354. Automate This: How Algorithms Came to Rule Our World
AUTHOR: Christopher Steiner ADDED: <2014-12-18> GOODREADS:
1.9.355. The Signal and the Noise: Why So Many Predictions Fail - But Some Don't
AUTHOR: Nate Silver ADDED: <2014-12-18> GOODREADS:
1.9.356. Survival of the Prettiest: The Science of Beauty
AUTHOR: Nancy L. Etcoff ADDED: <2014-12-16> GOODREADS:
1.9.357. READ How to Be Alone
AUTHOR: Sara Maitland ADDED: <2014-12-16> GOODREADS:
1.9.358. Dataclysm: Who We Are (When We Think No One's Looking)
AUTHOR: Christian Rudder ADDED: <2014-12-16> GOODREADS:
1.9.359. How We Got to Now: Six Innovations That Made the Modern World
AUTHOR: Steven Johnson ADDED: <2014-12-16> GOODREADS:
1.9.360. READ How to Do Nothing with Nobody All Alone by Yourself
AUTHOR: Robert Paul Smith, Elinor Goulding Smith, Paul Collins ADDED: <2014-12-16> GOODREADS:
1.9.361. Geek Sublime: The Beauty of Code, the Code of Beauty
AUTHOR: Vikram Chandra ADDED: <2014-12-16> GOODREADS:
1.9.362. Asleep: The Forgotten Epidemic that Remains One of Medicine's Greatest Mysteries
AUTHOR: Molly Caldwell Crosby ADDED: <2014-10-21> GOODREADS:
1.9.363. Brain Bugs: How the Brain's Flaws Shape Our Lives
AUTHOR: Dean Buonomano ADDED: <2014-10-21> GOODREADS:
1.9.364. READ On Intelligence
AUTHOR: Jeff Hawkins, Sandra Blakeslee ADDED: <2014-07-27> GOODREADS:
1.9.365. The Panda's Thumb: More Reflections in Natural History
AUTHOR: Stephen Jay Gould ADDED: <2014-07-13> GOODREADS:
1.9.366. READ The Violinist's Thumb: And Other Lost Tales of Love, War, and Genius, as Written by Our Genetic Code
AUTHOR: Sam Kean ADDED: <2014-07-13> GOODREADS:
1.9.368. READ A Universe from Nothing: Why There Is Something Rather Than Nothing
AUTHOR: Lawrence M. Krauss, Richard Dawkins ADDED: <2014-07-13> GOODREADS:
1.9.369. In Pursuit of the Unknown: 17 Equations That Changed the World
AUTHOR: Ian Stewart ADDED: <2014-07-13> GOODREADS:
1.9.370. Physics of the Impossible: A Scientific Exploration into the World of Phasers, Force Fields, Teleportation, and Time Travel
AUTHOR: Michio Kaku ADDED: <2014-07-13> GOODREADS:
1.9.371. Life Ascending: The Ten Great Inventions of Evolution
AUTHOR: Nick Lane ADDED: <2014-07-13> GOODREADS:
1.9.372. READ Brighter than a Thousand Suns: A Personal History of the Atomic Scientists
AUTHOR: Robert Jungk, James Cleugh ADDED: <2014-07-13> GOODREADS:
1.9.373. The Emperor's New Mind Concerning Computers, Minds and the Laws of Physics
AUTHOR: Roger Penrose, Martin Gardner ADDED: <2014-07-13> GOODREADS:
1.9.374. READ Silent Spring
AUTHOR: Rachel Carson, Linda Lear, Edward O. Wilson ADDED: <2014-07-13> GOODREADS:
1.9.375. READ The Double Helix: A Personal Account of the Discovery of the Structure of DNA
AUTHOR: James D. Watson ADDED: <2014-07-13> GOODREADS:
1.9.376. READ The Singularity is Near: When Humans Transcend Biology
AUTHOR: Ray Kurzweil ADDED: <2014-07-13> GOODREADS:
1.9.377. Hyperspace
AUTHOR: Michio Kaku ADDED: <2014-07-13> GOODREADS:
1.9.378. READ How to Lie with Statistics
AUTHOR: Darrell Huff, Irving Geis ADDED: <2014-07-13> GOODREADS:
1.9.379. Cosmos
AUTHOR: Carl Sagan ADDED: <2014-07-10> GOODREADS:
1.9.380. Packing for Mars: The Curious Science of Life in the Void
AUTHOR: Mary Roach ADDED: <2014-07-10> GOODREADS:
1.9.381. A Short History of Nearly Everything
AUTHOR: Bill Bryson ADDED: <2014-07-10> GOODREADS:
1.9.382. READ The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks
AUTHOR: Rebecca Skloot ADDED: <2014-07-05> GOODREADS:
1.9.383. READ Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can't Stop Talking
AUTHOR: Susan Cain ADDED: <2014-07-05> GOODREADS:
1.9.384. READ QED: The Strange Theory of Light and Matter
AUTHOR: Richard Feynman ADDED: <2014-06-23> GOODREADS:
1.9.385. READ The First Three Minutes: A Modern View Of The Origin Of The Universe
AUTHOR: Steven Weinberg ADDED: <2014-06-22> GOODREADS:
1.9.386. READ The Universe in a Nutshell
AUTHOR: Stephen Hawking ADDED: <2014-04-10> GOODREADS:
1.9.387. READ The Last Lecture
AUTHOR: Randy Pausch, Jeffrey Zaslow ADDED: <2014-04-10> GOODREADS:
1.9.388. READ The Grand Design
AUTHOR: Stephen Hawking, Leonard Mlodinow ADDED: <2014-03-19> GOODREADS:
1.9.389. READ A Brief History of Time
AUTHOR: Stephen Hawking, Cao Chi, Phạm Văn Thiều ADDED: <2014-03-19> GOODREADS:
2. Fiction
2.1. Science Fiction
2.1.1. READ Ubik
AUTHOR: Philip K. Dick ADDED: [2023-10-23] AMAZON:
2.1.2. READ Rendezvous with Rama
AUTHOR: Arthur C. Clarke AMAZON: ADDED: [2023-04-15]
I picked this up just after Foundation and this was very clearly a different kind of science fiction. Rama was more of what I remember as science fiction from my childhood and I was able to finish this way faster. There were a lot of moments in the story where the overpowering feeling was of 'awe', something that I expect from a solid space science fiction.
Along with Foundation, this has sparked a strong interest in science fiction for me. Earlier I was pretty neutral towards the genre, but now I am not.
2.1.3. READ Foundation
AUTHOR: Isaac Asimov ADDED: [2023-03-31] AMAZON:
I have always wanted to read old science fiction books. Foundation was one of those. While I enjoyed reading it, I felt that I wasn't that pulled in the world. This could be an artefact of my reading speed and the amount of interruptions but I feel maybe reading more books in the series might settle the foundation world more in my mind.
2.1.4. Jurassic Park
AUTHOR: Michael Crichton ADDED: [2019-10-29] GOODREADS:
2.1.5. READ True Names
AUTHOR: Vernor Vinge, Bob Walters, Marvin Minsky ADDED: [2018-09-23] GOODREADS:
2.1.6. Children of Dune (Dune #3)
AUTHOR: Frank Herbert ADDED: <2018-05-09> GOODREADS:
2.1.7. READ Dune Messiah (Dune #2)
AUTHOR: Frank Herbert ADDED: <2018-04-27> GOODREADS:
This is a really heavy upgrade on the first book. The acts and inhibitions go much deeper here. Going by my thoughts about the first book, this one too is not very detailed from the perspective of the plot itself. But the point here is more about the perplexity of prescience than anything else, and the book commits to that.
I surely am interested in reading the rest of the series now.
2.1.8. READ The Last Answer
AUTHOR: Isaac Asimov ADDED: <2017-11-13> GOODREADS:
This (along with The Last Question, which I recently read) is a beautiful short. Looking forward to more from Asimov.
2.1.9. READ The Last Question
AUTHOR: Isaac Asimov, Bob E. Flick, Jim Gallant ADDED: <2017-11-10> GOODREADS:
How can entropy be reversed? …
2.1.10. Metro 2033 (Metro, #1)
AUTHOR: Dmitry Glukhovsky ADDED: <2017-05-18> GOODREADS:
2.1.11. READ Solaris
AUTHOR: Stanisław Lem ADDED: <2017-05-07> GOODREADS:
Not very hard sci-fi, but one of the best experiences.
2.1.12. Soylent Green
AUTHOR: Harry Harrison ADDED: <2017-03-22> GOODREADS:
2.1.13. A Scanner Darkly
AUTHOR: Philip K. Dick ADDED: <2017-02-10> GOODREADS:
2.1.14. READ Dune (Dune #1)
AUTHOR: Frank Herbert ADDED: <2017-01-09> GOODREADS:
So finally I got around to reading this. I was looking for a solid science fiction and had high hopes with this one. Disappointed that this is not really the science fiction I wanted.
Keeping the soft and hard sci-fi distinction in mind, I would still say that you should not approach this as a sci-fi because not much changes (at least in book one) even after replacing all of the science things with simpler alternatives. This book is more about the rise of a prophet and usual things like power struggle. Science is not fundamentally affecting any part of the story line.
It also has a tone of prophecy around everything. So much that you might just not feel the anticipation and can easily guess where everything is going, resulting in bland experience. This might work out differently if you either like the chosen one theme or have not read similar ones recently.
Overall, it had a relatively simple story (for such length) with some nice character development (Paul, the prophet). I don't have plans for going through the whole series but will read the next book (Dune Messiah) since that is darker.
PS: In case you also feel a lack of richness while reading, don't miss the Appendices at the end. They help adding some depth to the story.
2.1.15. READ Seveneves
AUTHOR: Neal Stephenson ADDED: <2016-11-28> GOODREADS:
I took a long time to read this but it was very fun. I had to pause a lot since the book is huge and I had to go through random life disturbances, but there was always enough hook to make me start again. This book makes me think a lot about what all could happen in 5000 years starting from a lunar catastrophe but Neal's bets seem very reasonable and well thought through.
Thanks to Unnu for this book. It was my 2023 birthday gift.
2.1.16. Contact
AUTHOR: Carl Sagan ADDED: <2016-08-07> GOODREADS:
2.1.17. The Diamond Age: or, A Young Lady's Illustrated Primer
AUTHOR: Neal Stephenson ADDED: <2016-08-07> GOODREADS:
2.1.18. Snow Crash
AUTHOR: Neal Stephenson ADDED: <2016-08-07> GOODREADS:
2.1.19. READ Anathem
AUTHOR: Neal Stephenson ADDED: <2016-06-16> GOODREADS:
It could have been helped by a bit deeper storyline and 'theorics', considering the number of pages (~1000). The kind of topics it touched, it could have been perfect. But at time it felt bloated.
2.1.20. Reamde
AUTHOR: Neal Stephenson ADDED: <2016-03-21> GOODREADS:
2.1.21. READ Neuromancer
AUTHOR: William Gibson ADDED: <2015-12-05> GOODREADS:
2.1.22. Frankenstein
AUTHOR: Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley, Percy Bysshe Shelley, Maurice Hindle ADDED: <2015-11-28> GOODREADS:
2.1.23. READ The Lathe of Heaven
AUTHOR: Ursula K. Le Guin ADDED: <2015-10-20> GOODREADS:
2.1.24. READ Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?
AUTHOR: Philip K. Dick, Roger Zelazny ADDED: <2015-07-07> GOODREADS:
Mid way, I realized that I have actually seen the movie (Blade Runner) but this book still kept on giving and giving. I specially enjoyed the way the mind of Isidore was picked. It's really hard to reconcile with reality after your faith, your everything, is taken away.
As a side note, I am interested to know more about the author's (Philip K. Dick; this is my first book by him) philosophical and religious inclinations.
2.1.25. Leviathan (Leviathan, #1)
AUTHOR: Scott Westerfeld ADDED: <2016-08-07> GOODREADS:
2.1.26. The Martian
AUTHOR: Andy Weir ADDED: <2015-05-19> GOODREADS:
2.1.27. READ The Time Machine
AUTHOR: H.G. Wells ADDED: <2015-05-14> GOODREADS:
2.1.28. The Windup Girl
AUTHOR: Paolo Bacigalupi ADDED: <2015-12-05> GOODREADS:
2.2. Fantasy
2.2.1. READ How the Marquis Got His Coat Back
AUTHOR: Neil Gaiman ADDED: [2023-06-05] AMAZON:
2.2.2. READ Port of Shadows
AUTHOR: Glen Cook ADDED: [2018-12-04] GOODREADS:
It was okay but I believe a lot of value was nostalgic. The revelations (or the possibilities of them) felt a little just-for-the-sake instead of actually contributing in the piece. I guess this is related to having few more books (at least A Pitiless Rain).
2.2.3. Assassin's Quest (Farseer Trilogy, #3)
AUTHOR: Robin Hobb ADDED: <2017-02-26> GOODREADS:
2.2.4. Royal Assassin (Farseer Trilogy, #2)
AUTHOR: Robin Hobb ADDED: <2017-02-26> GOODREADS:
2.2.5. Assassin's Apprentice (Farseer Trilogy, #1)
AUTHOR: Robin Hobb ADDED: <2017-02-26> GOODREADS:
2.2.6. Last Argument of Kings (The First Law #3)
AUTHOR: Joe Abercrombie ADDED: <2017-01-21> GOODREADS:
2.2.7. Before They Are Hanged (The First Law #2)
AUTHOR: Joe Abercrombie ADDED: <2017-01-21> GOODREADS:
2.2.8. The Blade Itself (The First Law #1)
AUTHOR: Joe Abercrombie ADDED: <2017-01-21> GOODREADS:
2.2.9. Storm Front (The Dresden Files, #1)
AUTHOR: Jim Butcher ADDED: <2016-12-01> GOODREADS:
2.2.10. The Crippled God (The Malazan Book of the Fallen, #10)
AUTHOR: Steven Erikson ADDED: <2016-08-15> GOODREADS:
2.2.11. Dust of Dreams (The Malazan Book of the Fallen, #9)
AUTHOR: Steven Erikson ADDED: <2016-08-15> GOODREADS:
2.2.12. Toll the Hounds (The Malazan Book of the Fallen, #8)
AUTHOR: Steven Erikson ADDED: <2016-08-15> GOODREADS:
2.2.13. Reaper's Gale (The Malazan Book of the Fallen, #7)
AUTHOR: Steven Erikson ADDED: <2016-08-15> GOODREADS:
2.2.14. The Bonehunters (Malazan Book of the Fallen, #6)
AUTHOR: Steven Erikson ADDED: <2016-08-15> GOODREADS:
2.2.15. Midnight Tides (The Malazan Book of the Fallen, #5)
AUTHOR: Steven Erikson ADDED: <2016-08-15> GOODREADS:
2.2.16. House of Chains (The Malazan Book of the Fallen, #4)
AUTHOR: Steven Erikson ADDED: <2016-08-15> GOODREADS:
2.2.17. Memories of Ice (The Malazan Book of the Fallen, #3)
AUTHOR: Steven Erikson ADDED: <2016-08-15> GOODREADS:
2.2.18. Deadhouse Gates (The Malazan Book of the Fallen, #2)
AUTHOR: Steven Erikson ADDED: <2016-08-15> GOODREADS:
2.2.19. Gardens of the Moon (The Malazan Book of the Fallen, #1)
AUTHOR: Steven Erikson ADDED: <2016-08-15> GOODREADS:
2.2.20. READ Season of Storms (The Witcher, #0.5)
AUTHOR: Andrzej Sapkowski ADDED: <2016-06-19> GOODREADS:
2.2.21. READ Pani Jeziora (Saga o Wiedźminie, #7)
AUTHOR: Andrzej Sapkowski ADDED: <2016-06-19> GOODREADS:
2.2.22. READ The Tower of the Swallow (The Witcher, #6)
AUTHOR: Andrzej Sapkowski, David French ADDED: <2016-06-19> GOODREADS:
2.2.23. READ The Silver Spike (The Chronicles of the Black Company, #3.5)
AUTHOR: Glen Cook ADDED: <2016-06-16> GOODREADS:
2.2.24. READ The Black Company (The Chronicles of the Black Company, #1)
AUTHOR: Glen Cook ADDED: <2016-06-16> GOODREADS:
2.2.25. READ Water Sleeps (The Chronicles of the Black Company, #8)
AUTHOR: Glen Cook ADDED: <2016-06-16> GOODREADS:
2.2.26. READ Soldiers Live (The Chronicles of the Black Company, #9)
AUTHOR: Glen Cook ADDED: <2016-06-16> GOODREADS:
2.2.27. READ She is the Darkness (The Chronicles of the Black Company, #7)
AUTHOR: Glen Cook ADDED: <2016-06-16> GOODREADS:
Story of the south really picks up with this one! Hopefully, the next 2 will be amazing.
2.2.28. READ Bleak Seasons (The Chronicles of the Black Company, #6)
AUTHOR: Glen Cook ADDED: <2016-06-16> GOODREADS:
2.2.29. READ Dreams of Steel (The Chronicles of the Black Company, #5)
AUTHOR: Glen Cook ADDED: <2016-06-16> GOODREADS:
Characters up in the north were more alluring. Read through the books of the south using the impetus of north. Gets slightly unnecessarily chaotic at times, without moving the story as the older books did. Will go to glittering stone after touching the silver spike.
2.2.30. READ Shadow Games (The Chronicles of the Black Company, #4)
AUTHOR: Glen Cook ADDED: <2016-06-16> GOODREADS:
2.2.31. READ The White Rose (The Chronicles of the Black Company, #3)
AUTHOR: Glen Cook ADDED: <2016-06-16> GOODREADS:
2.2.32. READ Shadows Linger (The Chronicles of the Black Company, #2)
AUTHOR: Glen Cook ADDED: <2016-06-16> GOODREADS:
2.2.33. Neverwhere
AUTHOR: Neil Gaiman ADDED: <2016-06-16> GOODREADS:
2.2.34. The Two Towers (The Lord of the Rings, #2)
AUTHOR: J.R.R. Tolkien ADDED: <2015-12-27> GOODREADS:
2.2.35. The Return of the King (The Lord of the Rings, #3)
AUTHOR: J.R.R. Tolkien ADDED: <2015-12-27> GOODREADS:
2.2.36. The Fellowship of the Ring (The Lord of the Rings, #1)
AUTHOR: J.R.R. Tolkien ADDED: <2015-12-27> GOODREADS:
2.2.37. The Hobbit
AUTHOR: J.R.R. Tolkien ADDED: <2015-12-27> GOODREADS:
2.2.38. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (Harry Potter, #7)
AUTHOR: J.K. Rowling, Mary GrandPré ADDED: <2015-12-27> GOODREADS:
2.2.39. Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (Harry Potter, #6)
AUTHOR: J.K. Rowling, Mary GrandPré ADDED: <2015-12-27> GOODREADS:
2.2.40. Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (Harry Potter, #2)
AUTHOR: J.K. Rowling, Mary GrandPré, Amik Kasoruho ADDED: <2015-12-27> GOODREADS:
2.2.41. Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (Harry Potter, #3)
AUTHOR: J.K. Rowling, Mary GrandPré ADDED: <2015-12-27> GOODREADS:
2.2.42. Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (Harry Potter, #4)
AUTHOR: J.K. Rowling, Mary GrandPré ADDED: <2015-12-27> GOODREADS:
2.2.43. Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (Harry Potter, #5)
AUTHOR: J.K. Rowling, Mary GrandPré ADDED: <2015-12-27> GOODREADS:
2.2.44. READ The Time of Contempt (The Witcher, #4)
AUTHOR: Andrzej Sapkowski, David French ADDED: <2015-12-27> GOODREADS:
2.2.45. READ The Last Battle (Chronicles of Narnia, #7)
AUTHOR: C.S. Lewis ADDED: <2015-12-27> GOODREADS:
2.2.46. READ The Magician's Nephew (Chronicles of Narnia, #6)
AUTHOR: C.S. Lewis ADDED: <2015-12-27> GOODREADS:
2.2.47. READ The Horse and His Boy (Chronicles of Narnia, #5)
AUTHOR: C.S. Lewis ADDED: <2015-12-27> GOODREADS:
2.2.48. READ The Silver Chair (Chronicles of Narnia, #4)
AUTHOR: C.S. Lewis, Pauline Baynes ADDED: <2015-12-27> GOODREADS:
2.2.49. READ The Voyage of the Dawn Treader (Chronicles of Narnia, #5)
AUTHOR: C.S. Lewis, Pauline Baynes ADDED: <2015-12-27> GOODREADS:
2.2.50. READ Prince Caspian (Chronicles of Narnia, #2)
AUTHOR: C.S. Lewis ADDED: <2015-12-27> GOODREADS:
2.2.51. READ The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe (Chronicles of Narnia, #1)
AUTHOR: C.S. Lewis ADDED: <2015-12-27> GOODREADS:
2.2.52. READ Baptism of Fire (The Witcher, #5)
AUTHOR: Andrzej Sapkowski ADDED: <2015-12-27> GOODREADS:
2.2.53. READ Sword of Destiny (The Witcher, #2)
AUTHOR: Andrzej Sapkowski ADDED: <2015-12-23> GOODREADS:
2.2.54. READ Blood of Elves (The Witcher, #3)
AUTHOR: Andrzej Sapkowski ADDED: <2015-04-02> GOODREADS:
2.2.55. READ The Last Wish (The Witcher, #1)
AUTHOR: Andrzej Sapkowski ADDED: <2015-03-22> GOODREADS:
2.2.56. Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (Harry Potter, #1)
AUTHOR: J.K. Rowling, Jim Kay, Mary GrandPré ADDED: <2014-07-05> GOODREADS:
2.2.57. Bridge to Terabithia
AUTHOR: Katherine Paterson ADDED: <2016-08-12> GOODREADS:
2.3. Historical Fiction
2.3.1. READ And the Mountains Echoed
AUTHOR: Khaled Hosseini ADDED: [2020-02-01] GOODREADS:
More than anything, this is a book about human relations, expressed both along time and intensity. There are a lot of beautiful stories in this. And they weave together nicely too.
Thanks to Shraddha for the book.
2.3.2. Blood Meridian, or the Evening Redness in the West
AUTHOR: Cormac McCarthy ADDED: <2017-09-11> GOODREADS:
2.3.3. Homegoing
AUTHOR: Yaa Gyasi ADDED: <2017-06-15> GOODREADS:
2.3.4. The Poisonwood Bible
AUTHOR: Barbara Kingsolver ADDED: <2017-06-07> GOODREADS:
2.3.5. Catch-22
AUTHOR: Joseph Heller ADDED: <2017-01-28> GOODREADS:
2.3.6. The High Mountains of Portugal
AUTHOR: Yann Martel ADDED: <2016-12-06> GOODREADS:
2.3.7. The Mysterious Flame of Queen Loana
AUTHOR: Umberto Eco, Geoffrey Brock ADDED: <2016-11-28> GOODREADS:
2.3.8. Foucault's Pendulum
AUTHOR: Umberto Eco, William Weaver ADDED: <2016-11-28> GOODREADS:
2.3.9. War and Peace
AUTHOR: Leo Tolstoy, Henry Gifford, Aylmer Maude, Louise Maude ADDED: <2016-11-27> GOODREADS:
2.3.10. Revolutionary Road
AUTHOR: Richard Yates ADDED: <2016-08-12> GOODREADS:
2.3.11. The Boy in the Striped Pajamas
AUTHOR: John Boyne ADDED: <2016-08-12> GOODREADS:
2.3.12. A Farewell to Arms
AUTHOR: Ernest Hemingway ADDED: <2016-08-12> GOODREADS:
2.3.13. The Kite Runner
AUTHOR: Khaled Hosseini ADDED: <2016-08-12> GOODREADS:
2.3.14. A Thousand Splendid Suns
AUTHOR: Khaled Hosseini ADDED: <2016-08-12> GOODREADS:
2.3.15. READ Train to Pakistan
AUTHOR: Khushwant Singh ADDED: <2016-02-11> GOODREADS:
2.3.16. Angels & Demons (Robert Langdon, #1)
AUTHOR: Dan Brown ADDED: <2015-12-27> GOODREADS:
2.3.17. The Da Vinci Code (Robert Langdon, #2)
AUTHOR: Dan Brown ADDED: <2015-12-27> GOODREADS:
2.3.18. The Book Thief
AUTHOR: Markus Zusak ADDED: <2015-11-01> GOODREADS:
2.3.19. All the Light We Cannot See
AUTHOR: Anthony Doerr ADDED: <2015-08-15> GOODREADS:
2.3.20. READ The Name of the Rose
AUTHOR: Umberto Eco, William Weaver, Seán Barrett ADDED: <2015-04-13> GOODREADS:
2.3.21. READ To Kill a Mockingbird
AUTHOR: Harper Lee ADDED: <2015-04-09> GOODREADS:
I always wanted to read this book but never got around to it, and that increased the expectations in some way. The version I read now was a graphics novel. So mostly different in texts that do the world building, which I don't know how to compare without reading the text only version.
I found it to be simpler than what I had made it in my mind before reading. But there were many powerful /scenes/—one of the most enjoyable things for me in works of fiction—peppered along the story.
Thanks to Unnu for this book.
2.3.22. A Passage to India
AUTHOR: E.M. Forster, Oliver Stallybrass, Pankaj Mishra ADDED: <2015-04-09> GOODREADS:
2.3.23. Midnight's Children
AUTHOR: Salman Rushdie ADDED: <2015-04-09> GOODREADS:
2.3.24. A Madman Dreams of Turing Machines
AUTHOR: Janna Levin ADDED: <2015-02-10> GOODREADS:
2.4. Graphic Novels
2.4.1. READ Maus I: A Survivor's Tale: My Father Bleeds History
AUTHOR: Art Spiegelman ADDED: [2024-05-28] AMAZON:
2.4.2. Persepolis 2: The Story of a Return
GOODREADS: AUTHOR: by Marjane Satrapi, Anjali Singh (Translator) ADDED: <2020-03-16>
2.4.3. READ Persepolis: The Story of a Childhood
GOODREADS: AUTHOR: by Marjane Satrapi, Mattias Ripa (Translator) ADDED: <2020-03-16>
I didn't know much about the Islamic revolution. Mostly didn't have a first person story to connect nicely to.
Thanks to Shraddha for the recommendation.
2.4.4. READ Dream Country (Sandman, #3)
AUTHOR: Neil Gaiman, Kelley Jones, (Illustrator), Charles Vess, (Illustrator), Colleen Doran, (Illustrator), Malcolm Jones III, (Illustrator), Steve Erickson, (Introduction) ADDED: <2017-07-11> GOODREADS:
2.4.5. READ Season of Mists (Sandman, #4)
AUTHOR: Neil Gaiman, Matt Wagner, (Illustrator), George Pratt, (Illustrator), Dick Giordano, (Illustrator), Kelley Jones, (Illustrator), P. Craig Russell, (Illustrator), Mike Dringenberg, (Illustrator), Malcolm Jones III, (Illustrator), Todd Klein, (Letterer), Harlan Ellison, (Introduction) ADDED: <2017-07-11> GOODREADS:
2.4.6. READ A Game of You (Sandman, #5)
AUTHOR: Neil Gaiman, Shawn McManus, (Illustrator), Colleen Doran, (Illustrator), Bryan Talbot, (Illustrator), George Pratt, (Illustrator), Stan Woch, (Illustrator), Dick Giordano, (Illustrator), Todd Klein, (Letterer) ADDED: <2017-07-11> GOODREADS:
2.4.7. READ Fables and Reflections (Sandman, #6)
AUTHOR: Neil Gaiman, Bryan Talbot, (Illustrator), Stan Woch, (Illustrator), P. Craig Russell, (Illustrator), Shawn McManus, (Illustrator), John Watkiss, (Illustrator), Jill Thompson, (Illustrator), Duncan Eagleson, (Illustrator), Kent Williams, (Illustrator), Todd Klein, (Letterer) ADDED: <2017-07-11> GOODREADS:
2.4.8. READ Brief Lives (Sandman, #7)
AUTHOR: Neil Gaiman, Jill Thompson, (Illustrator), Vince Locke, (Illustrator), Peter Straub, (Introduction) ADDED: <2017-07-11> GOODREADS:
2.4.9. READ Worlds' End (Sandman, #8)
AUTHOR: Neil Gaiman, Mike Allred, (Illustrator), Gary Amaro, (Illustrator), Mark Buckingham, (Illustrator), David Giordano, (Illustrator), Tony Harris, (Illustrator), Steve Leialoha, (Illustrator), Vince Locke, (Illustrator), Shea Anton Pensa, (Illustrator), Alec Stevens, (Illustrator), Bryan Talbot, (Illustrator), John Watkiss, (Illustrator), Todd Klein, (Letterer), Michael Zulli, (Illustrator), Stephen King, (Introduction) ADDED: <2017-07-11> GOODREADS:
2.4.10. READ The Kindly Ones (Sandman, #9)
AUTHOR: Neil Gaiman, Marc Hempel, (Illustrator), Richard Case, (Illustrator), D'Israeli, (Illustrator), Teddy Kristiansen, (Illustrator), Glyn Dillon, (Illustrator), Charles Vess, (Illustrator), Dean Ormston, (Illustrator), Kevin Nowlan, (Illustrator), Todd Klein, (Letterer), Frank McConnell, (Introduction) ADDED: <2017-07-11> GOODREADS:
Even though I don't remember a lot of things that connect pieces together from past issues, going through this set was a beautiful experience.
2.4.11. READ The Wake (Sandman, #10)
AUTHOR: Neil Gaiman, Michael Zulli, (Illustrator), Jon J. Muth, (Illustrator), Charles Vess, (Illustrator), Mikal Gilmore, (Introduction) ADDED: <2017-07-11> GOODREADS:
The last piece from the main series. What a journey!
2.4.12. Endless Nights (Sandman, #11)
AUTHOR: Neil Gaiman, Barron Storey, (Illustrator), Bill Sienkiewicz, (Illustrator), Glenn Fabry, (Illustrator), Dave McKean, (Illustrator), P. Craig Russell, (Illustrator), Milo Manara, (Illustrator), Miguelanxo Prado, (Illustrator), Frank Quitely, (Illustrator), Todd Klein, (Letterer) ADDED: <2017-07-11> GOODREADS:
2.4.13. READ The Doll's House (Sandman, #2)
AUTHOR: Neil Gaiman, Steve Parkhouse, (Illustrator), Chris Bachalo, (Illustrator), Michael Zulli, (Illustrator), Mike Dringenberg, (Illustrator), Malcolm Jones III, (Illustrator), Todd Klein, (Letterer), Clive Barker, (Introduction) ADDED: <2017-07-08> GOODREADS:
Better than the first collection. Both are written well, but the first feels like telling a pretty simple story while the second, spending the same amount of attention, has more depth to it.
2.4.14. READ Preludes & Nocturnes (Sandman, #1)
AUTHOR: Neil Gaiman, Sam Kieth, (Illustrator), Mike Dringenberg, (Illustrator), Malcolm Jones III, (Illustrator), Todd Klein, (Letterer), Karen Berger, (Introduction/Editor) ADDED: <2017-07-07> GOODREADS:
Decent. Did not feel very impressive, but there are a lot more issues to go.
2.4.15. READ Blankets
AUTHOR: Craig Thompson ADDED: <2017-06-28> GOODREADS:
2.4.16. Batman: The Dark Knight Returns
AUTHOR: Frank Miller, Klaus Janson, Lynn Varley ADDED: <2016-04-05> GOODREADS:
2.4.17. READ Batman: The Killing Joke
AUTHOR: Alan Moore, Brian Bolland, Tim Sale ADDED: <2016-04-05> GOODREADS:
2.4.18. Batman: Year One
AUTHOR: Frank Miller, David Mazzucchelli, Richmond Lewis, Dennis O'Neil ADDED: <2016-04-05> GOODREADS:
2.4.19. READ V for Vendetta
AUTHOR: Alan Moore, David Lloyd ADDED: <2016-04-05> GOODREADS:
2.4.20. READ Watchmen
AUTHOR: Alan Moore, Dave Gibbons, John Higgins ADDED: <2016-04-05> GOODREADS:
2.5. Uncategorized
2.5.1. READ सोज़े-वतन (Soje Watan)
AUTHOR: प्रेमचंद (Premchand) ADDED: [2024-12-16]
Small set of simple short stories. Not sure how to feel about them. The writing context is so different in non-English India vs my usual reads that a lot can't even be compared. Specially in old text. I started to read this to pick up more of Premchand, and Hindi literature.
2.5.2. READ When Marnie Was There
AUTHOR: Joan G. Robinson ADDED: [2024-12-10]
It's a very relaxing young teenage story. The setting is extremely calming and the world's depiction fits in the fact that Ghibli made a movie on it later.
2.5.3. READ The Hen Who Dreamed She Could Fly
AUTHOR: Hwang Seon-mi ADDED: [2024-08-05]
2.5.4. READ The Golem of Brooklyn
AUTHOR: Adam Mansbach ADDED: [2024-04-22] GOODREADS:
I got this on the Strand's Blind date with a book thing. It was a light and fun read and a good page turner. I don't have a lot of context on Jews culture and the current political climate around them so might have missed certain interpretations.
2.5.5. READ Manto and Chughtai: The Essential Stories
AUTHOR: Saadat Hasan Manto, Ismat Chughtai ADDED: [2023-09-11] AMAZON:
I took a longer than usual time here. Mostly I didn't get some of the stories. I was able to understand Manto's more.
2.5.7. READ The Bangalore Detectives Club
AUTHOR: Harini Nagendra ADDED: [2023-02-09] AMAZON:
I got this from a store because it looked interesting. I haven't read much Indian fiction so I wanted to get in this. Also because I am living in Bangalore right now.
It was a decent book. Generally mystery stories have a way to grab your attention so there's that. But I would definitely not rate this among the top books from this category.
2.5.8. Last Evenings on Earth
GOODREADS: AUTHOR: Roberto Bolaño ADDED: [2022-09-24]
2.5.9. READ Our Trees Still Grow in Dehra
AUTHOR: Ruskin Bond ADDED: [2022-03-04] AMAZON:
I remember reading a few of these when I was younger. His stories are very observational and have these child-like sense of wonder about everything. Even when the characters are grown (and the reader), the same awe comes through. It's beautiful.
2.5.10. Eleanor & Park
AUTHOR: Rainbow Rowell ADDED: [2021-11-19] GOODREADS:
2.5.11. Shake the Bottle and Other Stories
AUTHOR: Ashapurna Debi ADDED: [2021-05-08] AMAZON:
2.5.12. Collected Fictions
AUTHOR: Jorge Luis Borges, Andrew Hurley ADDED: [2021-05-08] AMAZON:
2.5.13. Dubliners
AUTHOR: James Joyce ADDED: [2021-05-08] AMAZON:
2.5.14. Blow-Up: And Other Stories
AUTHOR: Julio Cortazar ADDED: [2021-05-08] AMAZON:
2.5.15. House of Leaves: The Remastered Full-Color Edition
AUTHOR: Mark Z. Danielewski ADDED: [2020-11-16] AMAZON:
2.5.16. READ The Shadow of the Wind
AUTHOR: Carlos Ruiz Zafón, Lucia Graves ADDED: [2020-01-18] GOODREADS:
Read a mystery after many months!
Thanks to Shraddha for this.
2.5.18. READ The Satanic Verses
AUTHOR: Salman Rushdie ADDED: [2019-09-15] GOODREADS:
I took a lot of time here, like I did for The Name of the Rose. Not exactly sure why but I believe the reason is different. Personally, the fastest reads have been the ones with really interesting story where you want to know what happens next. The story here, while decent, wasn't that strong compared to the many good scenes. An example is the section on Changez's death with Saladin back at home.
I believe there is a standard way of categorizing such kinds of reading experiences that I am unaware of at the moment.
2.5.19. Walking. A Novella
AUTHOR: Thomas Bernhard, Kenneth J. Northcott, Brian Evenson ADDED: [2019-06-30] GOODREADS:
2.5.20. READ Cat's Cradle
AUTHOR: Kurt Vonnegut ADDED: [2018-12-26] GOODREADS:
Don't know what to write here. A few books are more about the experience than a communicable output. It's one of those. Loved it thoroughly.
2.5.21. READ Lord of the Flies
AUTHOR: William Golding ADDED: <2018-08-05> AMAZON:
This was a really enjoyable read. When I started, I had a concern that I might be able to come up with a different organizational structure given the same starting state of few young kids on an island. And I was wondering whether that would weaken the impact of what I might read in this book later on. But I was blown apart. Starting from the split in the two groups, the progression feels as real as it can possibly get. Highly recommended if you are into dystopic fiction.
Thanks to one of the most selfless person I know for recommending this.
2.5.22. We
AUTHOR: Yevgeny Zamyatin, Clarence Brown, Евгений Замятин ADDED: <2018-07-28> GOODREADS:
2.5.23. Notes from Underground
AUTHOR: Fyodor Dostoyevsky, Christian Redl, Philip Dossick, Emanuela Guercetti, Michelle-Irène Brudny, Richard Pevear, Norman Dietz, Donald Fanger, coderati, Boris de Schlœzer, Larissa Volokhonsky ADDED: <2018-01-07> GOODREADS:
2.5.24. READ The Stranger
AUTHOR: Albert Camus, Stuart Gilbert, Matthew Ward, Leman Sarı ADDED: <2018-01-07> GOODREADS:
2.5.25. READ Slaughterhouse-Five
AUTHOR: Kurt Vonnegut ADDED: <2018-01-04> GOODREADS:
2.5.26. राग दरबारी (Raag Darbari)
AUTHOR: Shrilal Shukla ADDED: <2017-10-04> GOODREADS:
2.5.27. The Yellow Wall-Paper
AUTHOR: Charlotte Perkins Gilman, Elaine Hedges ADDED: <2017-08-28> GOODREADS:
2.5.28. A Midsummer Night's Dream
AUTHOR: William Shakespeare, Barbara A. Mowat, (Editor), Paul Werstine, (Editor), Catherine Belsey, (Contributor) ADDED: <2017-07-12> GOODREADS:
2.5.29. READ Tales of Old Japan: Folklore, Fairy Tales, Ghost Stories and Legends of the Samurai
AUTHOR: Algernon Bertram Freeman-Mitford ADDED: <2017-06-28> GOODREADS:
2.5.30. Moby Dick
AUTHOR: Herman Melville ADDED: <2017-06-28>
2.5.31. Salvage the Bones
AUTHOR: Jesmyn Ward ADDED: <2017-06-15> GOODREADS:
2.5.32. READ Alice's Adventures in Wonderland (Alice's Adventures in Wonderland #1)
AUTHOR: Lewis Carroll, John Tenniel ADDED: <2017-03-27> GOODREADS:
2.5.33. READ The Handmaid's Tale
AUTHOR: Margaret Atwood ADDED: <2017-01-26> GOODREADS:
2.5.34. Atlas Shrugged
AUTHOR: Ayn Rand, Leonard Peikoff ADDED: <2017-01-15> GOODREADS:
2.5.35. A Doll's House
AUTHOR: Henrik Ibsen, Michael Meyer ADDED: <2017-01-15> GOODREADS:
2.5.36. The Fountainhead
AUTHOR: Ayn Rand, Leonard Peikoff ADDED: <2017-01-15> GOODREADS:
2.5.37. The Call of Cthulhu and Other Weird Stories
AUTHOR: H.P. Lovecraft, S.T. Joshi ADDED: <2017-01-15> GOODREADS:
2.5.38. READ The Course of Love
AUTHOR: Alain de Botton ADDED: <2016-12-15> GOODREADS:
2.5.39. In the Not Quite Dark: Stories
AUTHOR: Dana Johnson ADDED: <2016-12-06> GOODREADS:
2.5.40. All the Birds in the Sky
AUTHOR: Charlie Jane Anders ADDED: <2016-12-06> GOODREADS:
2.5.41. The Hound of the Baskervilles (Sherlock Holmes, #5)
AUTHOR: Arthur Conan Doyle, Anne Perry ADDED: <2016-10-15> GOODREADS:
2.5.42. The Sign of Four (Sherlock Holmes, #2)
AUTHOR: Arthur Conan Doyle, Peter Ackroyd, Ed Glinert ADDED: <2016-10-15> GOODREADS:
2.5.43. A Study in Scarlet (Sherlock Holmes, #1)
AUTHOR: Arthur Conan Doyle ADDED: <2016-10-15> GOODREADS:
2.5.44. Fight Club
AUTHOR: Chuck Palahniuk ADDED: <2016-09-23> GOODREADS:
2.5.45. Where the Red Fern Grows
AUTHOR: Wilson Rawls ADDED: <2016-08-12> GOODREADS:
2.5.46. The Time Traveler's Wife
AUTHOR: Audrey Niffenegger ADDED: <2016-08-12> GOODREADS:
2.5.47. The Lovely Bones
AUTHOR: Alice Sebold ADDED: <2016-08-12> GOODREADS:
2.5.48. READ Flowers for Algernon
AUTHOR: Daniel Keyes ADDED: <2016-08-12> GOODREADS:
I expected the book to end the way it did a lot earlier and that decreased the power of the transition back to Charlie in this otherwise wonderful story.
2.5.49. Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close
AUTHOR: Jonathan Safran Foer ADDED: <2016-08-12> GOODREADS:
2.5.50. READ The Bell Jar
AUTHOR: Sylvia Plath ADDED: <2016-08-12> GOODREADS:
2.5.51. The Old Curiosity Shop
AUTHOR: Charles Dickens, Norman Page ADDED: <2016-08-12> GOODREADS:
2.5.52. The Heart is a Lonely Hunter
AUTHOR: Carson McCullers ADDED: <2016-08-12> GOODREADS:
2.5.53. READ The Giving Tree
AUTHOR: Shel Silverstein ADDED: <2016-08-12> GOODREADS:
2.5.54. Of Mice and Men
AUTHOR: John Steinbeck ADDED: <2016-08-12> GOODREADS:
2.5.55. Anna Karenina
AUTHOR: Leo Tolstoy, David Magarshack, Priscilla Meyer ADDED: <2016-08-12> GOODREADS:
2.5.56. The Great Gatsby
AUTHOR: F. Scott Fitzgerald ADDED: <2016-08-12> GOODREADS:
2.5.57. The Catcher in the Rye
AUTHOR: J.D. Salinger ADDED: <2016-08-12> GOODREADS:
2.5.58. Crime and Punishment
AUTHOR: Fyodor Dostoyevsky, David McDuff ADDED: <2016-08-12> GOODREADS:
2.5.59. A Tree Grows in Brooklyn
AUTHOR: Betty Smith ADDED: <2016-08-12> GOODREADS:
2.5.60. The Perks of Being a Wallflower
AUTHOR: Stephen Chbosky ADDED: <2016-08-12> GOODREADS:
2.5.61. The Diary of a Young Girl
AUTHOR: Anne Frank, Eleanor Roosevelt, B.M. Mooyart-Doubleday ADDED: <2016-08-12> GOODREADS:
2.5.62. The Metamorphosis
AUTHOR: Franz Kafka, Stanley Corngold ADDED: <2016-08-12> GOODREADS:
2.5.63. READ A Clockwork Orange
AUTHOR: Anthony Burgess ADDED: <2016-08-12> GOODREADS:
2.5.64. Dandelion Wine (Green Town, #1)
AUTHOR: Ray Bradbury ADDED: <2016-08-11> GOODREADS:
2.5.65. READ The Trial
AUTHOR: Franz Kafka, Edwin Muir, Willa Muir, Max Brod ADDED: <2016-08-11> GOODREADS:
I don't think I got it completely. The story flows in a confusing and lazy way and I stopped at many places while reading this. I thought a bit about whats different here which is making the whole thing boring. Is it the weird way people converse? Is it the repelling suspense in the story which I don't feel like unraveling by pushing myself a few pages ahead?
Somewhere around 60-70% I got the genius (at least one) behind the writing style. The annoyance you feel from the way the story progresses is meant to be there and it helps you connect with K and his contempt for the court and the whole bureaucracy. I still haven't tried to interpret every symbolism in the story (and there are many, now that I think of it), but I do get the general point now. More Kafka's and some connected philosophical readings should help to get it right.
2.5.66. READ Brave New World
AUTHOR: Aldous Huxley ADDED: <2016-08-11> GOODREADS:
2.5.67. Siddhartha
AUTHOR: Hermann Hesse, Hilda Rosner ADDED: <2016-08-07> GOODREADS:
2.5.68. READ Pond
AUTHOR: Claire-Louise Bennett ADDED: <2016-07-14> GOODREADS:
No strong thoughts. But this is calming read. I have used this many times to escape situations.
2.5.69. The Night Circus
AUTHOR: Erin Morgenstern ADDED: <2016-06-16> GOODREADS:
2.5.70. READ The Ocean at the End of the Lane
AUTHOR: Neil Gaiman ADDED: <2016-05-25> GOODREADS:
2.5.71. The Old Man and the Sea
AUTHOR: Ernest Hemingway ADDED: <2016-03-17> GOODREADS:
2.5.72. READ The White Tiger
AUTHOR: Aravind Adiga ADDED: <2016-03-13> GOODREADS:
2.5.73. READ Life of Pi
AUTHOR: Yann Martel ADDED: <2016-02-27> GOODREADS:
2.5.74. READ The Lorax
AUTHOR: Dr. Seuss ADDED: <2015-12-05> GOODREADS:
2.5.75. The Call of the Wild
AUTHOR: Jack London ADDED: <2015-11-28> GOODREADS:
2.5.76. The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
AUTHOR: Robert Louis Stevenson, Vladimir Nabokov, Mervyn Peake, Dan Chaon ADDED: <2015-11-28> GOODREADS:
2.5.77. The Moonstone
AUTHOR: Wilkie Collins, Carolyn G. Heilbrun ADDED: <2015-11-28> GOODREADS:
2.5.78. Diary of a Wimpy Kid (Diary of a Wimpy Kid, #1)
AUTHOR: Jeff Kinney ADDED: <2015-11-01> GOODREADS:
2.5.79. READ Fahrenheit 451
AUTHOR: Ray Bradbury ADDED: <2015-11-01> GOODREADS:
2.5.80. READ 1984
AUTHOR: George Orwell, Erich Fromm, Celâl Üster ADDED: <2015-09-24> GOODREADS:
It's beautiful how clearly this book makes you see the importance of written texts with all the imaginative diversity. It's this diversity which threatens any power trying to control minds.
The pieces around torture deeply reminded me of 'A Clockwork Orange' and I find it (elaboration of torture) really impactful in conveying the depth of ideas.
2.5.81. READ Around the World in Eighty Days (Extraordinary Voyages, #11)
AUTHOR: Jules Verne, Michael Glencross, Brian W. Aldiss ADDED: <2015-08-19> GOODREADS:
2.5.82. Grimm's Fairy Tales
AUTHOR: Jacob Grimm, Wilhelm Grimm ADDED: <2015-04-25> GOODREADS:
2.5.83. Aesop's Fables
AUTHOR: Aesop ADDED: <2015-04-23> GOODREADS:
2.5.84. READ Treasure Island
AUTHOR: Robert Louis Stevenson ADDED: <2015-03-14> GOODREADS:
2.5.85. The Immoralist
AUTHOR: André Gide, Alan Sheridan, David Watson ADDED: <2015-02-02> GOODREADS:
2.5.86. READ Einstein's Dreams
AUTHOR: Alan Lightman ADDED: <2015-01-26> GOODREADS:
2.5.87. The River
AUTHOR: Alessandro Sanna, Michael Reynolds ADDED: <2015-01-23> GOODREADS:
2.5.88. READ The Jungle Book
AUTHOR: Rudyard Kipling ADDED: <2014-12-21> GOODREADS:
2.5.89. Eleven Minutes
AUTHOR: Paulo Coelho ADDED: <2014-07-14> GOODREADS:
2.5.90. READ The Alchemist
AUTHOR: Paulo Coelho, Alan R. Clarke ADDED: <2014-07-06> GOODREADS:
2.5.91. The Case-Book of Sherlock Holmes (Sherlock Holmes, #9)
AUTHOR: Arthur Conan Doyle ADDED: <2014-07-05> GOODREADS:
2.5.92. His Last Bow: 8 Stories (Sherlock Holmes, #8)
AUTHOR: Arthur Conan Doyle ADDED: <2014-07-05> GOODREADS:
2.5.93. The Return of Sherlock Holmes (Sherlock Holmes, #6)
AUTHOR: Arthur Conan Doyle ADDED: <2014-07-05> GOODREADS:
2.5.94. The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes (Sherlock Holmes, #4)
AUTHOR: Arthur Conan Doyle ADDED: <2014-07-05> GOODREADS:
2.5.95. The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes (Sherlock Holmes, #3)
AUTHOR: Arthur Conan Doyle ADDED: <2014-07-05> GOODREADS:
2.5.96. READ Deception Point
AUTHOR: Dan Brown ADDED: <2014-07-05> GOODREADS:
2.5.97. READ Digital Fortress
AUTHOR: Dan Brown ADDED: <2014-07-05> GOODREADS:
2.5.98. READ The Lost Symbol (Robert Langdon, #3)
AUTHOR: Dan Brown ADDED: <2014-07-05> GOODREADS:
2.5.99. READ Animal Farm
AUTHOR: George Orwell ADDED: <2014-07-05> GOODREADS: