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Last year, I began writing better notes after adopting Org-roam, a Zettelkasten system. The same year I started saving bookmarks and links better as I started using, a bookmark manager. Now that both these systems have decent amount of content, I am finding these two systems being separate causing troubles in working with the stored knowledge.

To begin with, many of my saves in Raindrop require annotations that connect with concept notes from Org-roam. At times, I've saved a few items in Org-Roam as literature notes but I can't search for them in Raindrop, which is where I usually start my searches. I could connect these two together somehow but it's better to just migrate all my saved links as Org-Roam literature notes specially because I also built my own Android app for working with Org-Roam. After some struggle and the loss of a few files, I have moved all the bookmarks in my Org-Roam network now.

Figure 1: My Org-Roam graph after migrating around ~1.2k bookmarks

In the graph above, you can see a few connected nodes that were initially built in the Org-Roam setup and a large amount of tiny, disconnected bookmarks from Raindrop. I hope slowly this will become more useful as I connect the dots better.

The new setup is working much better for me. Since I continually refine my note and knowledge workflow by upgrading my tool, I trust myself to add new features on top of this web of Org files instead of relying on and paying for third-party apps. In the immediate future, I plan to improve the bookmark management workflow in Emacs and my custom Android app. Simultaneously, I am also planning to migrate all my other annotatables—such as my reading list, Zotero library, and more—as literature notes too.